Chapter 29

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Dean lifted Giselle up with both of his strong arms to carry her in a bridal style. He moaned in pain a little when he felt a sharp pain from his injured arm. Glaring up at his two bodyguards, he demanded with a serious voice, "Leo, send that bastard to the hospital. Ivan, clean up the mess."

Leo raised his brows in confusion and then asked back, "Then, what about... the girl?"

"None of your business." He replied shortly and then turned abruptly to make his way towards the reserved lot, where his personal car was parked. He scanned his thumb at the car's handle and then opened the passenger's door to place her in. "Stupid girl," He said underneath his breath as he puts seatbelt around her.

Closing the door loudly, he sighed out loud in anger. Inside of him, he felt like he wanted to kill whoever that was behind all of this. They could've just hurt him alone if they wanted him to die that badly.

He wouldn't care if anyone else gets hurt or die, but he didn't understand why seeing this stupid girl getting hurt was also hurting him. It drove him crazy enough already just by seeing her cried over that useless man of hers. One part of him, he felt envy, that a useless man like that bastard has Giselle by his side, who cared so much for him.

After Dean reached the resort, he carried Giselle to his penthouse, which located on the highest floor of the building. Every employee stared at their boss with the curiosity of who the girl might be, but nobody dared to gossip neither to talk about it.

He placed her gently onto his king-size bed before he stood back up to stare at her blankly for a few seconds. "What the fuck am I doing?" He questioned himself underneath his breath before he turned to walk towards the bathroom.

He took a new small towel from a shelf then soaked it up with the cold water from the sink. Glaring up at his own reflection, he saw the red blood on his white shirt that got stained when her face bumped into his chest. He took off his blazer then threw it into the cloth basket before he unbuttoned and take off his white shirt right after.

Walking back out, shirtless, he went to sit on the bed next to the unconscious girl. A serious expression appeared on his face as he wiped off the blood that was on her face gently with the damp towel. His eyes scanned her face features carefully as if they wanted to remember every bit details of it. Without realizing it, his breath became shallow while his eyes locked on her pair of beautiful natural long lashes.

He blinked a few times then glanced away when she suddenly reminded him of her father. Dean bit his lip in irritation before he threw the damp towel onto her chest aggressively.

I can kill you now, if I want to. That will leave your father living in hell.

He thought, then got up on his feet instantly. Closing his hands into fists, he rushed towards the bathroom to take a warm shower to calm his madness down.

After he was done with the shower, he wrapped a big white towel around his waist. Groaning in annoyance, he stared at himself in the mirror again. There were millions of questions that he asked himself. He didn't understand what he was doing. There was no reason for him to care for his enemy's daughter at all. His goal was to get back at her father for making his life a living hell.

When did I start to become so weak? What is wrong with me? Is this some sort of guilt-tripping trap she is trying to set me up? I don't even understand myself anymore.

He pondered and then shoved his damp hair up with one hand in frustration.

I can't let her fool me. That bastard Richard Chu must've sent her to me. There is no reason for her to come to the casino at all. What the fucking game is she trying to play with me?

Malicious Romance Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora