Chapter 72

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The evening bright sky was quick to turn gloomy. Grey clouds flew at a fast pace to shield the warm evening sunlight from the busy city as the wind began to pick up on its speed. Clouds of dust and leaves started to fly freely in the strong evening's air before the streetlights lit up one by one on the side of the crowded streets. It didn't take long for the first drop of the heavy rain to hit against the rooftop of the tall glowing Cobra's buildings.

At the highest floor of the Cobra resort, inside a large ghostly quiet room, stood a shirtless towering man with just a white towel wrapped around his waist. A few drops of cold liquid dripped off in slow motion from each strain of his hair. A bright flash from the first lightning that struck the middle of the night sky reflected into the darkroom that a young powerful man was standing in. The scars on his almost flawless well-built body were quick to make their appearance even in a split of a second that the light reflected on them.

Dean Winchester remained still, meanwhile, his eyes were fixated on the dimly lit city beneath his eyes level. The sudden cold temperature in the room didn't seem to bother him either the sound of the honking cars on the street.

In his head, all he could think of at the moment was the well being of another person. Another person that was not even there next to him. Even when knowing that tonight was going to be a bloody war, he couldn't help but worry about Giselle Chu. His straight thick brows drew together roughly at the thought of his father's words. No matter how much Dean hated Richard Chu, the urge for him to kill that man seemed to disappear with the past times that he had spent with that man's daughter. The hatred he held turned him into such a hypocrite for loving the Chu family's daughter but hated the father. Every single time that Dean thought of hurting his mother's lover, the image of Giselle would continuously rise in front of his eyes. The sound of her whimpering at him and telling him that she misses her family was still echoing within his head that it began to hurt him from time to time for just recalling it.

Dean swallowed hard and then pinched the bridge of his nose a little, hoping to release some tension that'd been building up. Instead of making his way to turn on the light switch, he turned to drop himself carelessly onto the nearby cold black leather sofa. His eyes stared across the dark room soullessly as if his whole world had been shut down by the gloomy storm. The lightning continued to strike across the sky causing its flashing light to lit up the darkroom every few seconds. The sounds of the thunder were loud like that of the gunshot, but it still didn't make Dean's heart to skip a beat either for him to blink.

Dean grabbed his phone from the table in front of him to look at the missed calls. He paused a little to stare at it blankly as the name on the screen spelled out Giselle's name. Instead of calling her back, he continued to swipe across the screen and click on the photo icon to view the pictures that they'd taken together.

A small smile curved up the corner of his lips before it disappeared the second that someone knocked on the door. He placed his phone facing down onto the table and then glared sharply at the doorway.

"Mr. Dean Winchester! Your outfits for tonight!" A woman's high pitch voice began to echo throughout the hallway behind the door.

Dean took a deep breath in frustration before he stood up instantly and make his way to open the door. After opening the wooden door widely, he stepped aside at the same time that he motioned a young woman to come in. His gaze immediately locked on her blue eyes which were quick to trace over his body. He tightened his lips in annoyance when he noticed the shocking expression that she accidentally made the minute she saw the scars on his upper body.

"If you're just going to stand there, then you might as well leave." His voice came out cold and dangerous before he crossed his arms over his hard muscular chest.

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