Chapter 106

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Dean stood still next to Giselle as he stared at the picture of Richard Chu on a piece of stone deeply. Regardless of the hatred he held against the old man, the satisfaction that he once thought would surface inside him was never risen. It did not bring him any bright emotion even though the debt of life was paid. He couldn't find joy even though he stood in front of Richard's grave. He wondered if it was because of the woman standing next to him who had changed him. She was his true joy and happiness. Dean tightened his grip on her shoulder when he felt her body shake uncontrollably while crying out loud as if the world was ending.

He did not utter a word as he remained in his stance, listening to Giselle talking to the gravestone. Dean stole a glance at her teary eyes now and then, not knowing what to say to console her. Losing family members for her was a big deal compared to him. And it was something that he did not expect her to move on for a while. Dean glanced at Richard's picture, then silently talked to the dead man's soul inside his head.

I've kept your daughter safe as you have asked. Now, it's time for you to let her go. I asked for her hand, but she refused. It's all about you now. And, I hope you would help direct her back into my arms.

For some reason, the whimpering sound of Giselle brought back the memory of his father's funeral. Unlike the woman next to him, who was never given a chance to see the face of her family members for the last few seconds, Dean was given all the time in the world to watch his father lay in the coffin. Instead, he chose to not stay long that day. He did not feel sadness either longing. He remembered that day so clearly of how he only resented his father. He never even bothered to visit his father's grave ever since. Dean wondered if it was still necessary to do so. His eyes shifted to stare at a grave with a large gravestone far away from everyone else in the green field.

He must've thought I came here to see him.

He thought to himself before sighing out loud in distress.

Giselle's coughing sound suddenly drew his attention back to her. Dean slid his hands off of her body when she began to bend down to place flowers onto her dad's gravestone and then walked to the next two graves to place them down for her mother and sister. He watched as she hesitated to stand back up.

People had so many lingering emotions for the deceased ones. But when they were breathing, nobody seemed to be loving and giving them enough attention. It was similar to that of Bowen Winchester, and all of the victims that Dean had once taken their life. Only after they disappeared, that was when people around them started to think and feel longed for.

Even though his father was gone, the inherited criminal blood that ran inside Dean's veins, ran coldly that it made him believe that his action was right. It was not irrational. He killed the strong who had gone wild to protect the weak. It was not just for Giselle but his men and everyone else who worked under the Cobra corporation.

After several minutes of watching her sitting on the grass in silence, Dean decided to bend down and wrapped his arm around her shoulder while holding her hand with another. "Are you able to stand up?" He asked softly. "I can carry you if you're too exhausted." The image of her wet cheek triggered Dean's fingers to wipe them off. But, Dean did not want to console her at the wrong moment. He knew that if only he showed her any sign of empathy, it would immediately bring more tears to her eyes. And that was the last thing he ever wanted if it was meant to drain out even more of her energy until she passed out.

She did not respond verbally as she added weight to Dean's arm and pushed herself up to her feet.

Dean straightened his back carefully as he held Giselle closely to make sure she was balancing on her own. "Let's go back for today. We can come back tomorrow. It's hot out. I don't want you to get sick again." He said with a concerned look.

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