Chapter 91

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"How's her condition?"

Luna glanced up from the computer screen after hearing Vincent's voice. "Oh. We've just moved her to a resting room earlier this morning. Her blood pressure got back to normal since last night, and thankfully it's been staying stable since."

Vincent closed the door lightly and then proceeded to make his way to sit on the chair. "I heard she had an overdose of some drugs. What the hell did those guys give her? How could that damn Winchester keep her after?"

"I don't think Dean was the one who drugged her. There's no reason for him to do that. You're misunderstanding him. Dean was not even aware of the sedation effect." Luna sighed out loud.

Vincent furrowed his brows. "So, you're telling me that he is innocent?"

Luna shook her head slightly. "That's not what I am saying. You do realize that we cannot discuss patients-"

"Come on, she's our friend, Luna."

She stayed quiet for a moment and then continued to scroll her mouse. Through her gritted teeth, she mumbled, "Dean thought she was dead... You know how the drug works. He wouldn't have known."

"You can't say he doesn't know when there's a cut right at her throat. At least send her to the hospital or something instead of assuming she is dead and keep her there on the bed. What the fuck was going on inside that lunatic's head? I wanted to just punch him whenever I see how stupid he could get."

Luna bit her lower lip. She believed in the good side of Dean for a while back then. However, after Vincent brought that up, she found herself in disbelief and disappointment. Her fingers froze over her mouse as she shifted her eyes to lock on Vincent. "He must've been shocked." She whispered with hesitation in defense.

Vincent paused and then took his time to think through. He looked straight at Luna, meanwhile, his mind wandered to think about Dean's situation. After a minute of silence, he replied, "That's impossible if you think about it. He's still a mafia boss no matter what. It's not like his hands were never covered in blood. A shock? A mental breakdown? Come on, we're talking about a cold-blooded killer here. It's not just someone, he is a boss of some criminal organization, Luna."

"But the person that was hurt was Giselle. And, Dean loves her."

"Enough of that..." Vincent spoke in a lower tone, trying to deny what he thought could be the truth.

"She was taken away from us that day. And, you know clearly that those men were not Dean's. If Dean was going to keep Giselle, then why would he try to push her away when she went to his casino? Did you not remember?" Luna gulped to suppress her overwhelming protective emotion before she continued. "Dean was probably going to save Giselle after hearing it from his people. And those group of men that we encountered were probably the ones who tried to kill her to threaten Dean."

Vincent stayed quiet temporarily after he heard her assumption. Then he shrugged his shoulders, "That had nothing to do with not sending her to the hospital."

"He might've believed that she didn't make it... How would he know anything when that high doses of the drug sedated her... slow down her heart rate and everything?... If he didn't love her then he wouldn't even keep her father alive or even let us see her for one last time."

"It's just that asshole's scheme."


"Whether she died or alive, at least try to send her to the hospital... How can I forgive him... I am just so mad that he didn't do anything about it. Fortunately for Giselle, we saved her on time. If anything happens to her I'll burn down all of the Cobra's building." Vincent leaned back against the chair as he blinked slowly, trying to calm himself. "I haven't been checking up on her as much. I've been busy with a few back-to-back surgeries that I left when I took my vacation. I hope she's waking up soon." He changed the subject.

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