Chapter 12

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When Giselle felt Vincent leaned in trying to kiss her, she pushed him away gently. He raised his brows in confusion before he asked, "What's wrong?" He lets go of her waist when she stopped dancing abruptly.

Giselle clenched her teeth at the thought of him trying to take advantage of her earlier. She shook her head at him slightly then told him in a calm soft voice, "Do you mind to go check up on Luna real quick for me? I felt a bit tired. I'm thinking of going to rest a bit at the bar counter." Flashing him a fake smile, she started to turn around and made her way to the bar counter.

When she reached the bar counter, she took a seat on a stool. Looking up at the bartender man, Giselle asked him for water. The bartender passed her a cup of water with some ice in it. Feeling thirsty and exhausted, Giselle wasted no time to drink it all up. When she placed her cup back down, a man who was sitting on the stool next to her ordered the bartender for another drink.

She turned to look at him at the same time that he turned to look at her. A spark of excitement feeling lit up inside of her as the corner of her lips lifted up to form a smile at him. "It's you." She said with an exciting tone of voice. Dean stared at her eyes deeply without a word. His sharp gaze caused Giselle's smile to fade away quickly. "Uh, sorry. About your blazer, I didn't bring it with me today." She said awkwardly then glanced down at the cup in her hand before back up to meet his eyes.

"You can just throw it away," Dean replied in an emotionless expression before he turned back to take a sip of his new drink.

"Oh," Giselle's heart sped up. She didn't know what to respond back to him. For some reason, she felt she was getting nervous and excited at the same time. She licked her dry lips before she ordered a glass of alcohol from the bartender. This is awkward. She thought to herself. Giselle didn't dare to look at him and ask him any further.

When she went quiet, Dean turned to look at her, who was nervously holding her cup. His eyes then traveled to the back of her to see the man, who was hugging her earlier, was walking back to her direction. Vincent was holding onto Luna that bumped into Dean earlier.

Seeing them together, Dean stood up abruptly from his chair. His eyes were fixated on Vincent sharply. As soon as Vincent looked up from Luna to Giselle, Dean wasted no time to lift one of his hands to grab Giselle's neck and pulled her toward him. Placing his lips against her soft plump lips, Dean's eyes glared up sharply at Vincent.

How does it feel to see what you like being taken away? He thought as his lips curved into a smirk against Giselle's lips.

Giselle held her breath in surprise when she got pulled into a kiss by her kidnapper. Her eyes widened at his inappropriate action while her heart pounded harder against her chest. She felt him bit her a little at her bottom lip at the same time that she could taste the bittersweetness of the alcohol, that he was drinking, from his upper lip. 

Vincent paused in his step at the sight of Giselle kissed another man in front of him. He tightened his grip around Luna's shoulder in madness as he watched the scene across from him. 

Dean backed away from Giselle then looked at her in the eyes. Using his right thump, he traced it over her bottom lip gently. "For the cost of my blazer." He said with a smirk before he stood up and walked away as if nothing had happened.

What was I doing? Dean asked himself as he made his way out. I must've been out of my mind.

Giselle who didn't understand the situation started to blush involuntarily. What was that for?  She asked herself as her cheeks started to get warmer. Is this an alcohol affect? She couldn't help, but smile. He took my first kiss too. Blinked her eyes a few times at the same time that she felt shy, Giselle turned back to the bar counter. She placed her face in both of her hands to tried to stop herself from smiling. Her heart couldn't stop beating fast. Her stomach felt the butterfly feeling that sent a shiver down her spine. What is this feeling?  She questioned herself and then touched her own lips with one of her hands.

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