Chapter 22

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When Giselle got back into the mansion and was about to walk to her room, her dad's voice stopped her. "Giselle, come here."

Shrugging her shoulders in exhaustion, Giselle turned to look at her father who was standing next to her mother. Demi sent a smug look at her as she stood crossing her arm near her mother. Giselle rolled her eyes and then replied, "I went to the party as you wanted. Now, what else do you want?"

"This wench, why are you talking rudely to your father?" Her mother asked in irritation at the same time she shot Giselle a deadly glare. Giselle heard her mother's voice before she clenched her teeth.

Richard Chu continued with a serious tone of voice as he ignored his wife, "I'm telling you now. You better stay away from the guy that danced with you at the party." Her father's words caused her brows to be furrowed all of a sudden. She didn't understand the reason why her father would try to stop her from living her own life.

Biting her own lips furiously to hold back her anger, Giselle replied, "Is that all that you wanted to say?" She scoffed and continued, "What else do you want to manipulate in my life? What am I to you? An object? I am not Demi, father. Just because I was fortunate to born with all of this wealth that you guys possessed, it doesn't mean I have to act like one of you to just fit in. I never choose this." She took a deep breath angrily before she said, "We all should live our lives happily when we are fortunate enough to born with wealth. I don't understand why you are restricting my freedom and my right. Have you forgotten that you are the chief of the police department? Is that how you use laws to rule people? You are too ruthless and heartless to even understand me."

Finishing her sentence, Giselle walked away aggressively. She laughed mockingly in her head as a thought popped up. Stay away from Dean? What the fuck did he even do to you guys? Why do they always have something against the people I chose to hang out with? First, it was Vincent because of his family's common status. Second, it was Luna Ma because of the fact that she started to make me experience the real world by taking me out more, which I appreciated. And now, what? They are trying to stop me from seeing Dean too. What the fuck is wrong with them?

Giselle groaned out loud when she got inside her bedroom before she threw her purse onto the floor. "Fucking hell!" She raised her voice as she swore. If you guys are so against me hanging out with Dean, then fuck it. I will hang out with him and do more with him. Just watched, I will hurt you guys back as much as how you guys have been hurting me.

She sighed furiously before she started to unzip her dress and let it fall onto the floor. On her way to the bathroom, she started to take off jewelry and the fake lashes that her sister's makeup artist puts on for her.

The following day, Dean Winchester was in his office at the resort building as usual. He called his secretary to take the documents that he had signed back. After that, he went to check up the proposal documents on his desktop from a touring company.

Suddenly the sound of someone knocked on the door drew his attention. He told the person behind the door to come in with his icy tone of voice. His secretary came in again and said, "Sir, don't forget about tonight's dinner with The Raven group. Also, there is a lawyer who is wanting to meet you."

Dean looked away from the screen before he nodded, "Oh yeah. Send him in." His secretary bowed a little before she went back out to tell the lawyer to enter the room.

As the lawyer came in, he closed the door behind him. Dean raised his hand up to motion the lawyer to take a seat across from him. Dean stared at the lawyer with his piercing gaze before he asked, "How much are you planning to pay?"

The lawyer took a seat while he frowned a little. He replied with a sad tone of voice, "I only have one thousand for now."

Dean smirked and then leaned back against his black leather chair. "One thousand? Wouldn't that mean I will have to meet you for four hundred ninety-nine more times to just get all of my money back?" His words caused the lawyer to panic when he started to bow his head a little for apologies. Dean stared at the man in front of him blankly before he continued, "Well. I called you here because I have something for you to do. If you can get it done, I will deduct a couple of thousand off of your debt."

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