Chapter 9

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Giselle's heartbeat sped up at the presence of a person behind her. She turned around immediately, but a big rough hand clasped her mouth shut. Giselle struggled against his grip as he held one of her arms backward, pinning her face against the fridge. She mumbled in his hand at the same time she heard him whistle to send a signal.

Another dark figure appeared at the entrance as soon as he heard the whistling sound of his partner. The unknown man in black clothes in the dark kitchen pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket then handed it over to the man behind Giselle to close her mouth with the drugged kerchief.

Giselle struggled to breathe while her head was held against the fridge with a strong hand. After a couple of seconds had passed, her eyes began to roll back and closed. The two men panicked at the unexpected situation. They wasted no time before one of them threw her on his shoulder and ran out of the mansion. The other one ran to open the car's door that was parked across the street for the man who was carrying Giselle. "Hurry up," He said as he watched the unconscious girl being thrown to the back seat.

While one of them was driving, another one pulled out his phone to call his boss. He cleared his throat nervously at the sound of his boss answering the call. "Boss, we caught a girl in Chu family's house. We are not sure if she is a housemaid or Chu's daughter."

The sound of the music was loud on the other end followed by a frustration voice of a man, "What the fuck are you two talking about? That bastard's daughter is here at the event. Your job is to go there to find the evidence. That Richard Chu bastard was trying to use it to catch me. Not a fucking housemaid. Get rid of that girl." Aaron's voice raised at the end with a loud hissed before he hung up the call.

The unknown man told his partner, who was driving, about what their master had just told them. The driver dude nodded and directed his way to a quiet road with a dark alley between the old apartment buildings. The two men hopped out of the car and made their way to open the back door. As soon as the door opened, one of the men got kicked in the chest and fell back on his fat ass to the ground.

Giselle, who had just woke up a couple of minutes ago, ran out of the car as fast as she could. While running, she screamed for help. The two men were afraid of getting caught by police. Then, they immediately started to chase after her. "If you don't stop running, I will shoot you!" One of them yelled as he pulled out his gun from the back of his pants.

Giselle trembled in fear with every step she took with her bare feet. She glanced around the dark neighborhood to spot Walgreen. She ran faster, panting hard, at the same time that she prayed to herself, to make it there on time before being shot to death. Tears blurred her vision, then ran down through the corner of her eyes, as she crossed the street to Walgreen. The two men didn't stop following her when she noticed that they were crossing the road after her.

She started to walk at a fast pace as she reached the entrance. The cashier greeted her, but she ignored her. Giselle wasted no time to walk faster from the beauty products aisle to the back of the store near the drug aisle. She glanced back to see if the two men were still following her. Her heart pace didn't slow down when she noticed them searching through the store for her.

Giselle swallowed hard as she backed a few steps back to hide behind one of the aisles at the corner of the store. Her back unexpectedly crashed hard into a well built muscular body behind her. A small bottle of pain killer fell onto the shiny floor from the man's hands. Giselle gasped, thinking it was one of those two men, then turned her body around immediately.

Her face came in contact with a hard chest. Her eyes traveled up fast to make contact with a pair of beautiful dark brown eyes. Giselle's eyes widened at the presence of the person in front of her. Her heart pounded hard against her chest as she ignored him then ran away to hide behind the aisle.

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