Chapter 56

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While sleeping, the same nightmare was engulfing Dean again. He jolted wide awake in the bed with sweat covered his forehead. His heart raced in panic as he sat in the dark bedroom with only his boxer. Shoving his hands up his hair, he inhaled deeply before he exhaled back to calm himself down. Without any hesitation, Dean got off the bed quietly and then began to make his way towards the door, leaving Giselle sleeping alone.

Out on the balcony, Dean placed his palm onto the railing while his eyes glanced up at the dark sky with a bright moon. The cold wind whisked against his shirtless torso causing the hair on his bare skin to stand. For some reason, he could not fall asleep. It was not because of him killed those men. There was something else inside of his chest that was pricking him inside out. He heaved out a loud sigh when his emotion and thoughts got twisted together in a way that he too had no clue of.

All of a sudden, he froze when his ears picked up the sound of the footsteps stalking up behind him. He glanced over his shoulder when a pair of arms started to wrap around his waist gently. "Dean... Is something bothering you?" She asked in a soft sleepy voice. His lips twitched as he hesitated to respond. "Why are you still up at this hour?"

Dean furrowed his brows as he turned to face her. He raised his hand to touch her hair gently before he replied in his dry raspy voice. "I... I just had a nightmare. It's nothing big. Sorry if I woke you up."

"It's okay. I've been noticing you in your sleep. Your body either got tensed up or you would make small noises that worried me. What did you dream about? Mind sharing?" She asked and then tilted her head with a brief smile.

Dean stared deeply into her bright eyes while he debated on what to say. His dream involved her father. He didn't know whether to tell her the truth or a lie. He knew that she wouldn't be happy to hear that he wanted to kill her father in his dream and then ended up being killed by his mother instead. He was not sure if the love that she had for him was greater than the love that she had towards her father. He clenched his teeth, not certain of where to start. "Are you sure you want to hear?"

She nodded. "Of course if you don't mind telling."

His lips tightened again for a few seconds before he found his voice. "I was killing your father in my dream." Her smile faded away as her arms loosened around him. Noticing her reaction to his words, Dean flashed her a smile to reassure her. "Don't worry though. My mother came in time to save him from being shot by me... After that, she shot me to protect your father, a man she loves."

"I'm sorry." She whispered underneath her breath as her gaze dropped down to her feet.

Dean lifted her chin slowly to make her look into his eyes before he said. "It was just a dream, Giselle. Don't be sorry." He forced a warm smile while he gritted his teeth to the pain that burned his heart. "I don't want anything to affect us. I won't let anyone take you away from me. Not today... neither tomorrow." Pulling her into his arms, Dean leaned to kiss her forehead. He had lost his mother to Richard Chu. And, he wouldn't let it happens for the second time to the woman he loves. "Listen to me, okay?" He whispered, only to get a slight nod back from her.

Dean's brows straightened as he moved his lips down to her nose and then to her lips. He brushed his dry lips against her gently before his tongue traced her bottom lip, asking for permission. The moment her lips parted, Dean wasted no time to stick his tongue into her mouth. He explored her mouth slowly and passionately with his eyes staring at her long lashes. The temperature of his body started to rise while her skin felt even warmer against his. The cold night felt steamier with every second that it passed.

In one swift movement, Dean lifted both of her legs to wrap them around his strong waist. He took a few steps forward until her back came in contact with the wall next to the door. His hands moved down to lift her nightgown and pulled it over her head to toss it onto the cold floor. He poked her with his erection through his boxer as his head leaned closer to find her lips. Breathlessly, he asked her in his husky voice meanwhile his lips brushed lightly over hers. "I need your permission, Giselle."

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