Chapter 95

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"I can't tell you-" The sudden sound of his ringtone cuts him off. "I'll take a call real quick." He mumbled as he withdrew his phone from his pant pocket. He turned his back to Dean as he brought his phone to his ear. "What's up?" He asked while taking several steps forward. "Alright..." His voice turned serious, making Dean dart his gaze in his brother's direction. "Yes, just evacuate for now. I will fly there tonight. Make sure to lay low. Don't make any move until I get there." He heaved out a loud sigh in frustration as he shoved his phone back into his pants pocket.

After seeing Aaron hang up his phone, Dean questioned. "What's with the long breath?" He observed his brother who ran his fingers through his hair as if he was trying to figure something out. Dean tightened his lips when Aaron's hands dropped to place on his hips.

Aaron spun on his heels to gaze at his younger brother for a few seconds before deciding to speak bitterly. His eyes were fueled with fury even if he was trying to look calm. "Apparently, our drug lab in China got attacked. I will have to fly there tonight since it takes quite a long time to get there."

"Understandable," Dean murmured.

Aaron took a step closer to the bed and then finished his sentence. "Perhaps you want to take this opportunity to return to China? Maybe then you won't have to go through more rituals. You can take care of the business there and I'll take on from here in Las Vegas."

Dean's eyes hardened in Aaron's direction before he denied it. "No. I have sworn to myself to never fucking set my foot there again. No matter what happens, I will not go back there." Dean's lips pursed as bitter memories of his mother began to recall into his head. He did not want to relive those moments when he felt most unneeded and not longed for. It was a place that gave birth to him yet only make him grow up in such a life that was worse than hell itself. He was tired from holding onto it. He hated that he once had allowed the past to consume him. It consumed his mind and thought to the point where he felt like he was not himself anymore. And now, all he wanted was just to be himself and to live in the moment. He did not want to give a single fuck about the things that his parents had tried to control him mentally and emotionally. "I assumed you know why... but I want nothing to be bound to that place again. I had let go of all of the unnecessary things."

"Stubborn as always," Aaron mumbled. He pinched the bridge of his nose in distress, thinking about the sudden attack that was out of his reach.

"How about Riza? How is she doing? Those mob bosses are on the hunt for her." Dean asked when remembering that ever since the banquet night, there was no more news about her.

Aaron cocked one of his brows and then smirked. "I'm keeping her safe. With my protection, no fingers will touch her."

Dean's breath hitched. Hearing his brother being protective over someone he likes made him feel guilty. Unlike his brother, Dean felt like he was never providing Giselle full protection. He was too reckless. He wished he could've been at least like his brother. Now that everything was too late, he knew that this guilt will live with him forever.

Dean almost rolled his eyes at his brother's reaction before he shifted in his bed to sit up. He took a deep breath and then swung his feet off the bed.

"Where are you going?" Aaron was puzzled as he took a step back, watching Dean getting up.

"Are you expecting me to do nothing after hearing our drug lab got attacked?" Dean locked his gaze with Aaron as a train of thought ran through his head. He was not sure why recently, his group seemed to be the main target of getting attacked.

First, it was his father.

No, it was not just his father.

Dean remembered it well on that day when his car also exploded just several minutes after his father. Dean held his breath a bit as the curiosity about whom the mastermind behind this incident was.

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