Chapter 55

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"Boss, the men have arrived." A man in black reported before Dean pulled out his pistol and nodded his head to give a signal. "Come in."

Dean crossed his legs on a wooden bench and then leaned his back against the table that was behind him. The table was filled with different types of guns and knives. His eyes darted across the darkroom to glare at twenty men that stood in a half-circle in front of him. His dry dangerous voice began as they echoed the space in the abandoned old industry. "Tell me... what made all of you fuckers choose this career? How can all of you prove to us your fucking dedication and your fucking loyalty?" He scanned them with his sharp piercing eyes that were full of disgust. Dean grew up wishing for a normal life while all of these men rather choose an easy way to live their life. "Starting from the right."

A strong tall skinny man gulped and then replied. "I've chosen this path because I needed money to support my sick sister. To prove my dedication and loyalty, I will devote my life to The Cobra and will protect Mr. Winchester and-"

"Cut the fucking crap. Next!" Dean yelled aggressively causing the next man to stutter.

"For me... I've chosen this-" Before the second man could finish his answer, a loud gun sound with police sirens echoed the quiet atmosphere.

Dean stood quickly and then grabbed his pistol. His eyes glued to four men that seemed to be panic. They looked at each other and then ran out immediately. Dean's voice screamed again in demanding, "Kill them before they're fucking kill us!" The leftover men ran to the table and grabbed the weapons before they separated in different ways. Dean ran down the stair to the front of the industry with a couple of the new men after him. "Kill the damn police!" He repeated.

Just as Bowen's men ran to hide behind the car, a few of them got shot along the way. Some of the new men's eyes widened. "All of you are under arrest. You guys are fucking surrounded!" an old man in his police uniform yelled. A few seconds later, a man who said his sister was sick, ran to stand next to Dean who was hiding behind a door.

"Boss, you can escape through the back door. We will keep them distracted." His breathless voice said. Dean narrowed his eyes and then ran toward the back exit. He went to hide in the dark behind a big shipping container instead of escaping while he watched the men being gathered by the police. They dropped their weapons down before they got forced by the officers to kneel near each other.

They raised their hands in surrender meanwhile the officer's voice asked loudly. "Who the fuck is you guys' boss? If anyone confesses, their punishment will be less severe."

There was no response. One of the police circled the men, then he kicked one of them with full strength, forcing for an answer. Just when he was about to kick another one, a man raised his voice. "Our boss is Dean Winchester, sir! We're working for The Cobra group! Please spare my life. I did not do anything wrong. This is just my first day."

"How am I supposed to believe that? Is there anyone else who could prove me his answer?" The officer asked angrily.

The next man's voice stuttered as he answered softly. "Sir, what he said is true."

The officer narrowed his eyes and then scanned other men. "Whoever did not answer... You still have the chance."

When there was no answer, Dean decided to walk out from the dark. As he came to stand next to the police officers, a wicked smirk appeared on his lips. "Tell Mr. Kevinskey, that I am thankful for the help. That will be all for tonight."

The polices bowed their head down for Dean before the old policeman replied with a smile. "Our pleasure, Mr. Winchester. If you need any help in the future, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. I am glad that you trained your security men. These days, whether at resort or casino, there is no safety without trained security. Thanks so much for trying to help improve our community and keep our citizens safe." After that, he motioned the rest of the officers to get back in their cars and leave.

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