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Everyone sat at the table eating , everyone laughing except lip , Ivy and Ian who sat there mostly in silence from the awkwardness of recent events.

"Ivy you gonna start school here?" Fiona asked, she shrugged her shoulders before continuing to eat not wanting to worry about school.

"Okay what happened between you three because whatever happened get over it." She sighed clearly noting that something had happened.

The three shared awkward looks before standing up and walking away from the table not saying a word.

"I'm going home." Ivy blurted , she grabbed her coat and walked out the door before Fiona spoke causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Home?" Fiona tilted her head from confusion since the Gallagher house was basically ivys home

"Yeah home , as in my actual home I need a mini break." Ivy admitted secretly shitting herself about going back to her house.

She then walked away from the Gallagher house only to hear someone running up behind her.

"Do you hate me?" Ian cried out, she turned around to see him with puffy eyes and messy hair.

"No Ian I don't hate you" she continued to walk not wanting to indulge in petty talk with Ian when he already knew the answers to all his questions.

As she continued to walk she felt Ian's presence catch up to her and she let him walk along side with her.

"I love you Ian but I don't want you fucking some 30-40 year old who has a wife and kids . Imagine if his wife found out! She would be devastated and you would loose your job!" Ian said as she turned to face him.

"Ivy it's the only way I get through the days working there." Ian groaned.

"Then get a new job" she suggested but he frantically shook his head "why not?"

"I cant. Ivy I'm sorry I just can't , I'll try to cut down on the sex and eventually stop just please don't hate me!" He begged before just standing infront of her waiting for some sort of approval or words to come out of her mouth .

She never said anything

She just hugged him

They stood there for a good minute before separating and Ivy continuing to walk to her house.

"I'm coming with you." He blurted

"No your not Ian go home." Ivy huffed at the boy.

But he didn't take no for an answer and just walked next to her the whole way home.

Once they had arrived at the milkovich house , Ivy took one big deep breathe before knocking on the door.

"Who the fuck are you." Terry shot her a look of disgust as he eyed her up and down

"Ivy" she mumbled

"Who?" Terry looked confused at the ginger girl who stood on his porch.

"Your kid , Ivy" she smiled hoping for an okay response.

"I don't make ginger kids" he laughed but stopped once he realised she was being serious "you sure you're mine?"

"I used to live here?" She awkwardly pointed into the house.

"Fine come in" he gave in letting both teenagers inside.

The pair then walked inside to see one of the dirtiest houses ever . It was trashed and had a foul smell but in a way it felt like home to Ivy but not one that she would stay at 24/7

"Mickey" she called out

"Ivy? You're home?" He questioned as he entered the living room slightly grinning.

"Well just visiting." She shrugged , taking in everything that was around her.

"He let you in?" Mickey mouthed pointing towards their dad that sat in the kitchen smoking a cigar.

"Yeah?" She mouthed back , widening her eyes to make herself look surprised.

"Shit man." Mickey laughed.

"Anyways don't get too comfortable with me being here , probably won't be for long" she said with a gloomy sigh.

"The fuck is he doing here?"  He asked , sounding irritated from the sight of Ian who stood behind her almost using Ivy as a shield.

"Moral support" she lied

"Pussy" Mickey laughed at the poor boy.

"You got a spare room for me?" She questioned in hopes her old room was still there.

"Yeah your old one. We may have decorated it though" He snorted clearly showing that whatever they did wasn't good.

"Alright thanks" her mouth formed a smile, it felt weird but oddly nice to be back.

Ivy and Ian made their way into her old room only for the room to be covered in porn posters and clothes

"You sure someone ain't sleeping in here already?" Ian whispered to her

"I'll just clean it and take down that I don't want tits staring at me all night long" she said as she began to rip the posters down.

"You're staying here?" He stressed not wanting to leave Ivy in a place he thought was unsafe.

"Only for a few days I'll be back before you know it" she walked over to her best friend, placed her hands on his cheeks and kissed his forehead.

"I'll see you later Ivy ." He smiled before leaving. Ivy then sat on her bed which creaked so loudly she didn't wanna think about why it creaked so much as it made her wanna be sick.

After Ian had left the room Mickey walked in looking kind of concerned

"What's up with him?" He asked, placing himself on the bed next to his younger sister.

"Why do you care? You were beating him up awhile ago?" Ivy pondered looking at her brother with a confused expression on her face.

"Yeah so? He looked moody" Mickey tried to hide the fact that he did care without giving his sister any suspicions.

"It's complicated but everything is okay" she patted her leg before getting up and taking down some more posters.

"You sure?" He double checked.

"Promise" Ivy smiled.

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now