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It was the following day and  The knocking at the door wouldn't stop , Ivy yelled at Mickey to get it and after awhile he finally gave in .

She sat up on the sofa after realising that Ian was at the door and sounded out of breathe

"I need to see you." Was all she heard come from Ian's mouth

"Now isn't a good time." Mickey replied

"Who keeps hanging their fucking laundry on my pull up bar" terry yelled from the garden

"I don't know where else to go" Ian's voice trembled , Ian was her bestfriend but she left mickey to deal with him and went into the kitchen but she could still hear them

"I'll meet you there in 20" she heard Mickey whisper before closing the door

"Where you going?" She stepped out after hearing the weird interaction between the two.

"Somewhere now move!" He barged past her .

She didn't follow him because she knew the consequences of what what happen if she did so she let him do his own shit even if it was with her best friend which confused her but she tried to ignore it.

But she was bored after a few hours and after texting many friends nobody was free which meant Ian was her only option so she went to him only to hear a loud bang come from the inside , she sprinted in the shop to see Mickey on the floor in pain and ian standing over him . She looked up to see kash standing still holding the gun at Mickey after shooting him already.

"Put it down asshole." She screamed before swiping it out of kash's hands and pinning him against the wall

"I have let you free so many times kash! After fucking my best friend who is underaged I could literally call the cops right now and tell them that and you'd been gone but I haven't done that and now you go and shoot my brother!" She punched him multiple times until Ian pulled her back

"CalM down Ivy it's okay hes fine" Ian promised before turning Ivy to face her brother who still laid on the floor but was alive.

She let out a deep breath before having to wait outside as she felt like she was going to pass out from the adrenaline.
After telling the cops what happened she found Lip And Ian sat outside Sheila's house which was far away from the scene.

"What'd I miss with mom?" Ian asked lip not realising Ivy was there.

"Woah woah woah what! Mum? Your mums back!" She approached the boys who looked like they had seen a ghost "and no one thought to tell me?"

"Yeah well nothings going good right now" lip replied


Before she knew it she was in the living room with everyone else as Monica and Frank yelled at each other.

"Wait you brought her back here?" Lip asked

Monica turned around to see ivy and Ian standing in the doorway

"Oh Ian , oh my god Ivy!" But they ignored her as lip continued to ask questions

"Okay this little reunion was bound to happen sooner or later anyway , we were thinking about coming round to talk to you" this lady pointed at frank but then Monica and the lady started fighting "moni and I wanna take Liam"

"What!" Fiona stood up, already in defence mode for her siblings.

"Over my dead body" frank butted in.

"How bout moni sign whatever the hell it is you need , we get liam?" The other lady argued.

"No fucking way you can't have Liam." Ivy added but Ian put his hand over her mouth desperate for her to keep quiet.

"Why not hes not even franks and you don't get a say in this Ivy your not family!" Monica replied, her words hurting Ivy a bit.

"And this thing is?" She pointed at the women Monica was with.

"Excuse me young lady. Fact is Liam is black and all you white folks scooping up black babies like fashion accessories have a rude awakening coming. No there will be backlash if people don't stop underestimating the cultural importance of a black parent raising a black baby. Liam needs me and he's coming with us" she demanded

"No. Out of the fucking question Roberta." Lip yelled as Ivy laughed at the name

"You think this is funny ginger?" Roberta asked as she gave Ivy a deathly look.

"Yeah 'Roberta' I do. The state of you coming in here and demanding you take liam , dream on cause you ain't taking him ." Ivy snapped

"Roberta and I wanna start a family on our own." Monica smiled

"Well how bout you finish this one first, you don't get to abandon your kids and then show up one day to take your pick of the litter." Fiona argued

"Oh now that's not fair your mothers made mistakes but she's here now that's gotta count for something." Frank stupidly said

"Shut up frank. This isn't about you. This is about you." Fiona pointed at Monica "this is about what you didn't do it's about what I did. And you know what ? I did a fucking great job . Debbie is class president she's on the debate team going to nationals and lip he's top of his class , Ian was promoted in ROTC and he tested out of English and Carl made something blow up for his science fair . And you know what? They all did it , no thanks to you because you weren't here!" She sobbed

"I appreciate that Fiona but I'm here now and Liam belongs with me." Monica's voice was shaky.

"He doesn't even know who you are Monica!" Ivy yelled at the woman who would come back to look after her kids for a week max and then leave again.

"I'm his mother." She stated with tears in her eyes.

"You were my mother too" was all Fiona said before breaking down , she stood there shaking as Monica apologised to her and then to Carl and Debbie . Ivy held Ian's hand tight as he wiped his tears away .

"You know what? Your right your their mother and your here now so I'm done, I'm done with the school and the bills and the clinics . They're all yours now mom good luck." She sighed before leaving the house.


Ivy sat awkwardly in the Gallagher house kitchen as everyone rushed around

"Where are our lunches?" She asked looking at the empty kitchen counter.

"Huh? Aren't you supposed to be at home." Monica replied clearly hinting for Ivy to leave.

"This basically is her home." Lip chuckled as Bob demanded for sandwiches to be made.

Once some lunch had been made they were all almost 20 minutes late for school , that wouldn't have happened if Fiona had been there but she wasn't there so it happened and then Bob rushed them all out .

" go on guys I'll catch up." Lip said as they all left the house but stopped at the end of the road when they heard lip and Monica fighting behind them.

"What happened there?" Ian asked him as he caught up.

"she was for sure trying to make me feel bad , come on guys we are already late." He responded before dragging Carl and Debbie across the street.

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