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ivy was now watching lip and Fiona argue because DCFS came to do a house inspection for xan who showed up the other day.

"maybe if id known DCFS was dropping by --"

"jesus Christ do you have any idea how much you fucked this up for me!"

"this is not my fault. I did not invite DCFS here ."

"hey hey sh"

"I did not leave a furnace in the house.. or kids in a pack n play, or an open hole in the fucking floor!" Fiona yelled

"no but you sure as shit didn't help Fiona" lip spat "the old Fiona would've handled this, would've spun shit , would've covered for me."

"what was I suppoed to do huh? bake him a fucking cake?"

"no but I expected you not to be drunk in the middle of the day." ivy jumped at how loud and aggressive lip was being "how bout that , huh?"

Fiona giggled

"maybe im tired of playing Susie fucking sunshine all the time . cause if I want to be drunk in the middle of the fucking day, that is my fucking business."

. lip went to walk out but ivy grabbed his wrist

"you okay?"

"get the fuck off of me ivy!"

"jeez okay." she threw her hands up and away from him as Fiona smirked but once the door was shut and lip was gone Fiona started to cry "you need to get your shit together."

"excuse me"

"youre ruining everyones lives at the moment because you just cant keep yourself together."

"that was fucking rude."

"but it was fucking right , wasn't it?"

"I never said shit like that when you struggled with drinking after your mom died did I? maybe I should've left you since you were 'ruining everyones lives' I had better things to do then look after your dramatic ass."

"never bring my mum into this Fiona , just because my mum actually gave a shit about me and yours didn't! theres basically no reason to why your like this! your broke? yeah you've been broke since forever, your boyfriend had a family? all your boyfriends leave you!"

"shut the fuck up ivy!" she yelled

"no you shut the fuck up! youre a shitty sister."

"im not even your sister! you say I am because I raised you as your shitty family couldn't do that and your siblings beat the shit out of you."

"just shut up Fiona." ivy stopped yelling

"got nothing else to say? too bad"

"you are a sick bitch Fiona who doesn't deserve shit."

"could say the same about you."

"I hate you."

"I wish I never looked after you  , I had enough on my plate."

"fuck you."

"get out of my house ivy."

"its not yours! I have a key here and what do you have? nothing because debbie changed the locks so your drunk ass couldn't get in"

"im about to have a key , once I pay her the leftover money I owe"

"where'd you get the money from? did you steal it cause you sure as hell didn't earn it as you got fired!"

"well I did earn it"

"I think you need to get out instead"

"fine im going"

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now