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Season 8-

"Enjoy." Ivy smiled at the men who she had just seated before catching up to Fiona "so no more tinder huh?"

"Nope Ivy I'm done with it. No more pointless sex bent over a dirty sink in a club bathroom or scraping my ass on a rusty alley dumpster with my underwear pushed down around my ankles. Eat your food." Fiona glared at this man who had his eyes all over her as she walked past

"eyes up bud." Ivy hit his back making him groan "pathetic I didn't hit that hard ."

"A few weeks ago I had this joker. He cums and then bursts out crying. Turns out his wife had just dumped him . I was stuck there for like an hour consoling him when all I really wanted was to go home to my own bed."

"You could have just left."

"What kind of person would I be if I just left him there like that?"

"The kind of person who uses tinder to intentionally avoid intimacy on an almost daily basis ."

"It's not daily Ivy, I just can't be that person who wakes up in the wet spot of some guys whose name I can't even remembers bed again."

"I would kill for a wet spot . With Alex on nights and me on days I barely see him. Much less make a mess on the sheets."

"That the boy you met at the nightclub?"

"Mhm. It's going good between us."

"You sure?"

"No. I'm pretty sure he's cheating."

"Confront his ass then."

"I like the attention I get from him though."

"Confront his ass Ivy."

"But I'm not sure if he is cheating."

"I can help you find out."


"Yeah but for now go give those men who keep eying you down their food."


Ivy then gave the men their food before clocking out and heading back home.


"Namaste namaste namaste." Frank shook his hands as he slid into the kitchen where Carl and Ivy where

"Where the hell have you been?" Carl asked

"You look like shit frank."

"Thanks Ivy, I've been in mourning and meditation after the death of your mother , acceptance , resurrection , enlightenment. And... we have to dent the existence of a permanent entity that remains constant behind the changing corporal and incorporal components of a living being . All things are in a constant star of flux . All is changing and no permanent state exists by itself your mother—- holy buddha may her soul rest— stole my chakra when I was 20 years old, and she kept it till her death , now she's gone . And I'm free."

"We're you listening Carl cause I sure wasn't?"

"Nope , you need anything ironed?"

"I'm gonna get in the shower , unless you guys were planning on taking a shower soon." Frank blurted

"No Carl I don't need anything ironed and Frank get out."

"I need a shower though."

"Shower then out."

"I'll consider."

Then after frank wondered off upstairs a horn went off outside and a grin appeared on carls face and he rushed out pulling Ivy behind him.

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now