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"Fiona didn't blow ian off because she was pissed at him , she got into a car accident that's why she didn't show!" ivy panicked as she entered the house through the back door

"jesus is she okay?" lip replied

"no its really bad, she totaled her car, broke her wrist , shes non stop ugly crying, ive never seen her this bad before . debbies with her right now seeing what they can do with her car. ford is married and has a whole other family and life and a bunch of kids in Chicago ."

"wait wait wait wait what!"

"motherfucker." carl sighed

"and now Fiona has to sell her building today because she doesn't have money for lunch."

"okay ivy calm down , where is she now?"

"I don't know , they were dealing with the car."

"and you left her?"

"Debbie is there."

"alright im gonna tag out and hopefully find Fiona ,"

"im gonna handle this ford dude,"

ivy and lip went out of both doors and left to go where they needed to go , earlier before leaving debs and Fiona she told her where ford lived so that's where ivy was going.


rock music was blaring downstairs which woke everyone up again , they all wondered if it was something ian had planned again but once they walked downstairs they saw Fiona with birthday hats on her head as she was laying the table.

"hi carl! hi liam! hi ivy! hi stranger!"

"you've met her before fi , this is Kelly. what the hell are you doing?"

"im throwing myself a little welcome home party." she placed party hats on everyones head.

"your moving back in?" ivy asked

"guess so." liam replied

then they watched Fiona battle this fat bit of beef to get in the oven she gave up and started throwing party streamers around herself

" hey guys!turn that off." Debbie said before pressing the off button

"no put my song on!" Fiona moaned

"come with me I have a surprise for you Fiona. Kelly watch Franny. come on guys!"

everyone apart from Kelly then walked outside , ivy told Debbie earlier where ford lived because she wanted to do something other then what ivy was which was punch him round the face but ivy had no idea what was to come.

"right here." Debbie grinned , they looked up to see ford tied to a board so his ass was hanging out and around him It said 'this man is an asshole'

"holy fuck is that ford?" Fiona asked as she removed her blindfold

"hey nicely done debs!" lip clapped as he approached them.

Fiona then got passed a paintball gun and Fiona took aim before shooting at fords ass as he screamed

"get him again!" ivy yelled and Fiona continued to shoot him

"fuck you ford!" carl yelled

the cops then showed up and everyone ran away not wanting to be seen by them and Fiona was completely wasted...


"who are you?" ivy asked the new blonde girl lip was seeing

"tami? and you."

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now