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(Earth_to_alicia helped me write!)

Ivy hears Lip rummaging around too early enough for the birds to even start chirping. Ivy starts to go downstairs to see what the fuss is all about.

"Jesus. Early. Loud," Ivy stepped down the last step and went to make coffee in the kitchen.

"Yeah, well, I gotta try and get this finished. I wanna list the house by the end of the week." Lip says while putting stuff all over.

"Great. Can't wait to get kicked out of my house soon," Ivy rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen.

Lip sighs "We still having this conversation?" lip was fed up with Debbie and Ivy trying to persuade him not to sell the house.

"Are you still uprooting me, Debbie and her kid from the only home we've ever known?" Ivy never stopped.

"No, no. I'm selling our home so everybody can have a nest egg and buy their own home and this isn't the only home you've ever known, you literally lived in England?" Lip was still throwing things everywhere, trying to re-arrange the place.

"Whatever. I'll still be all alone," Ivy said from the kitchen.

"Then go find somebody to be with. Fly your boyfriend out here" lip said.

"It's not that easy! Neither of us have money." Ivy threw her hand up in the air.

"I can't take care of you anymore, Ivy." Lip was getting angry.

"Of course not." Ivy walked past him and to the table.

"Look, I have my own family to worry about." Lip finally said after realising what he had said.

"So does Debbie!" Ivy was frustrated, all Lip thought about was himself and she was sick of it.

"We're all adults now, okay? This is what adults do. They move on, alright?" Lip went back to moving stuff around to make it look nice but let's be honest no home on the south side is considered 'nice'.

Ivy had finally had enough of him, especially sitting in the awkward silence that they were so Ivy stood up and stormed upstairs, running into Mickey once up there. Mickey stood there staring at Ivy dead in the eyes, not saying anything until Ivy finally spoke.

"Too quiet down there?" Ivy had asked him with an almost scoff.

"No, fuck off," Mickey barges past Ivy to go downstairs.

Ivy rolled her eyes and went to the bathroom, when she got in there the smell of piss and shit was consuming the bathroom, she held her nose and turned round to find Frank in the bath and Liam scrubbing him. Ivy walked out immediately and just decided that she'd just use the bathrooms at work later. She entered her bedroom with her work uniform hung up on her dresser, she grabbed her red polo top with the 'george's pizza' Logo on the front and put it on, grabbed her black leggings and slipped her converse on. Doing up the laces, Liam walked in.

"You alright?" Ivy asked, tilting her head upwards towards him.

"mhm, just worried about frank" Liam said solemnly.

"Why?" Ivy knew Liam had gotten closer with Frank since the wedding but she didn't know they were close enough to the point Liam starts worrying. A poor kid like him who needs to go to school shouldn't be worried about his father.

"Cause he shat and pissed the bed. Everything's pretty bad at the moment" Liam admitted.

"I'm sure he will be fine . Are you guys going out today?" Ivy asked.

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now