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"I went with Fiona to look at the place on Ashland."

ivy was with Trevor , sat outside on the steps waiting for Ian to arrive in which he did looking very angry . Trevor told ivy everything that had been happening and why , Ian had every right to be angry but should've just looked for a new place instead of making a huge deal about it and the fact that recently he had been slowly pushing ivy away hurt.

"you what?" he scoffed

"its got good bones . I signed the lease."

"fuck , Trev." he sighed

"she's right about you not being yourself lately. this Ian the mountain you're making it out to be. are you taking care of yourself?"

"yes. I am taking my fucking meds. now get off my porch , dick."

"it is my job to do what is best for those kids. and that place on Ashland will make their lives a little bit better."

Ian then pushed past the two and went inside , locking the front door as he did so.

"I'm praying there's other people home or else there's no way of me getting in unless I climb through an open window." ivy joked

"help him. hes not himself ivy and your the only person who can ever really get through to him."

"yeah well slight issue hes been pushing me away the past couple of days while his fights with Fiona have been going on."

"just please do something to help him , he means good when he wants to help these kids but hes doing it the wrong way and its not really his place to decide on where they go."

"ill do all that I can Trevor. goodnight"

"goodnight ivy."

once Trevor had walked away ivy went around back and to the backdoor , luckily it was open so she didn't have to sleep in the cold as she wasn't going home to terry . she went upstairs to see ian laying there staring at his ceiling as he threw a ball up in the air .

"I'm taking my meds ivy , I am look." he passed her the mini bottle of pills . he was taking them but there were more in the bottle then there should be but he had been given enough shit today and she wasn't gonna give him any more

"you've been distant from me recently."

"no I haven't,"

"you have Ian , been with those kids more then me."

"look ivy before this turns to something it doesn't need to , leave."

"goodnight ."


once she had shut the door she ran into a very worried looking Fiona , she asked if she could go in and speak to him and ivy nodded . she was prepared to hear chaos but Fiona eventually came downstairs with a smile on her face.

"it go well?"

"not amazingly but I think I've sorted it somehow between us."

"that's good well goodnight fi."

"goodnight ivy"


turns out ian didn't want the argument between him and Fiona to end , he continued it that morning but he didn't through a bucket of water on her which was a slight improvement but he was avoiding ivy even more now , his attention was all towards those kids and he was a hit on YouTube for going at a homophobic pastor who was doing conversion sessions . she would only ever see ian when he came home to sleep or eat or shower but then he would disappear for the day.

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