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SEASON 11- im starting at ep5.

as ivy wheeled her suitcase and carried her bag up the road towards the gallagher house she noticed that someone had moved in nextdoor

'about damn time' she thought until she saw someone she recognised "parker is that you?" she furrowed her brows at her old cousin

"depends. whos asking?"

"youre cousin."

"I don't know you . theres no redheaded children in this family."

"wrong , theres me . you moved in on your own?"

"no theres like a million of us in there."


"your dad demanded we moved next  to these shitheads , they are so irritating." he complained as ivy looked at the outside of the house

"the only irritating thing here is your nazi flag , take it down!"

"not mine , terrys."

"well tell him to take it down , its 2020 nobody has Nazi flags anymore"

"well tell that to him not me , cya ivy"

"wow so you do remember me?"

"only bad things."

"gee thanks parker." she huffed before turning to go into the gallagher house when frank came out , only to not take notice of ivy and focus on the pink parcel that was in front of him

"well ill be damned." he smiled as he opened it and gagged at the sight , just as frank went to walk down the steps he took notice of his old friend "ivy?"

"hey frank hows it going?"

"where were you?"

"England . whatcha got there?"

"dog shit ."

"thought so ."

"you want it?" he held the box out

"jesus frank! no take it to the bin"

"that's what I was planning to do."

"good so do it."

"as you wish , please sort your family out nextdoor."

"when did they move in?"

"like yesterday , two days ago? maybe last week I don't know I must get going though bye ivy its nice to see again."

"you too frank." she then wondered on into the house and shut the door as she watched frank through the window , go back over to the milkovich house , she jumped at the sound of the washing being thrown down the pipe that was in the kitchen.

"hello?" ivy yelled , debbie then looked round the wall to see ivy standing with her bags

"ivy? youre back?" she chuckled before welcoming her with a hug "Franny would not stop asking about you!" Franny then ran over to Ivy with a huge grin on her face .

"that's my girl." ivy picked her up and squeezed her "how you been?"

"you know same old same old . lip wants to sell the house."

"he what!"

"ye I know ."

"he cant do that!"

"almost everyone is siding with him."

"well im siding with the no sell . whats ian voting for?"

"whatever lip votes for so selling."

"jeez so what you doing today?"

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now