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ivy walked outside of the house and over to frank and Kevin who she had spotted talking to her family , she joined them silently as she watched frank try to actually have a conversation with them as they chopped up a deer.

"yeah okay I get it. Sammy?" Daniel replied to franks long speech about becoming good neighbours.

"makes sense. you ready?" Sammy asked Daniel , ivy backed up as she thought a fight or a gun was going to be started or picked up but she watched as Sammy picked up this rod that had been sat in fire and held it against Daniels arm and of course it had the swastika on it and that was now burnt into his arm

"yeah!" Daniel screamed from excitement and pain as he showed them his arm

"cool" Kevin who was actually shitting himself , smiled. "well I think that about covers it frank anything?"

"no I feel like we're on the same page."

"okay great you guys take care."

the three went to walk away when Sammy grabbed ahold of ivys arm

"youre my cousin aren't you?"

"I don't know am I?"

"all milkoviches are having that done, you ready?" he held the burning rod up but Kevin dragged her away from Sammy.

"I think ill pass , looks great though." ivy speedily walked off with the boys behind her

"frank told me you got back when he was shitting on your family at the alibi."

"who wouldn't shit on my family we just watched Sammy burn a swastika into Daniels arm."

"yeah true , very true. want a drink"

"I need one."

"on the house."

once they reached the alibi , ivy walked in and plopped herself on the stool next to tommy and Kermit

"long time no see ivy." tommy put his hand out for her to shake

"been a busy girl."

"I can see."

"boy what the fuck is that supposed to mean."


"yeah keep your mouth shut."

"ivy don't be so mean." frank told

"frank youre not my dad."

"I raised you basically am."

"I lived in your house that's all."

"which means you were in my care so therefore I raised you so I'm your dad."

"better then terry so sure , but I'm only saying that so you will stop."

"whatever you say ivy Gallagher"

"milkovich." she corrected

"so how did it go?" veronica asked as she came out from the upstairs of the bar "did you bury the hatchet?"

"the virus has mutated "

"you okay baby? whats wrong?" v asked Kev

"so much , so much is wrong."

"I don't know , you think? I thought we got to a pretty good place there at the end." frank stupidly responded

"what happened?"

"well one of my cousins was skinning a deer, and then the other one was branding himself."

"what?" v looked disgusted

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