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Ivy hadn't left Ian's bed for awhile until Mickey rocked and dragged her out as him and Debbie had a plan to torture Sammi and of course Ivy wanted in .

"How many roofies did you give her god damn." Ivy chuckled at Sammi who laid on the floor unconscious

"Enough to put her to sleep. Come on guys let's put her on the sofa."

"Cant my arm."

"Okay Debbie help me."

Mickey and debs then plopped Sammi on the couch

"Are her eyes supposed to be open?" Debbie asked

"She awake?" Mickey responded

"I don't know. She's not moving."

"She's breathing , right?"

Ivy then checked her pulse ...

"Ah fuck."

"What? Ivy what!"

"She's dead."


"Looks like you got that car battery for nothing." Mickey chuckled

"What do you mean she's dead? All you gave her was a roofie? What is a roofie anyway . How much did you give her?"

"Alright look , look she didn't drink enough to kill her okay! She take other pills? Xanax? Percocet?"

"How should I know Mickey! We have to call 991 they can bring her back."

"Look you wanna get locked up?" Mickey snatched the phone off of her

"Mickey! No, I... give me the phone! They can save her."

"The fuck they can . Look at her, she's fuckin dead." Ivy added

"Oh no!"

"Pain in the ass. You guys got a hacksaw? Actually that gets to messy . Ain't it past his bedtime?" Mickey pointed at Liam who was currently poking dead Sammi

"No! Liam! Don't look!" Debbie covered his eyes

"Little late for that. Look put the kid to bed and we can deal with this"

"Come on! Debbie , go , Go!" Ivy exhaled "now what Mickey?"

"We dispose her body . Easy done."


"Dumpster maybe?"

"Don't look at me I'm not the expert in killing people , you are."

"Making me out to be a murderer."

"Well look infront of us mick ."

"True. Crate out front let's go!"

All three carried Sammi out and threw her body in the crate.

"Fucking gross." Ivy complained

"When's the moving company picking this shit up?" Mickey asked

"You're asking me?" Debbie replied

"I'm just saying if it's days she's gonna smELLL." Mickey jumped at the sight of frank and some lady next to them .

"Mickey , Ivy , debs . This is Bianca."


"Say is uh lip at school? He's not in his room is he?"

"No frank."

"What's in the crate Ivy?"

"How the fuck should I know?"

"You we're locking it."

"I wasn't locking it. I never touched that lock get your eyes checked."

"It's true I was right here and she never touched it."

"Thank you Debbie."

"Okay then. We will be inside"

"What's the fuck a girl like that doing with frank anyways." Mickey sighed .


"Up up up if you want to see Ian." Mickey kicked Ivy who was sleeping in Ian's bed "I'm his boyfriend I should get that bed."

"Hmmm well I've known him longer." Ivy stretched before getting up and dressed to leave the house

"You alright?"

"Got the ghost of Sammi haunting me but overall I'm fantastic thanks for asking big brother."

"Suck a cock."

"Okay out you go Mickey."

"Hi Fiona Gallagher here to see our brother , Ian." Fiona passed some sort of card over to the guard

"Ian gallgher was released."

"Fucking' A."

"That's amazing."

"Oh my god."

"Guess there's an upside to being a psycho , we clear to go in?" Mick asked the man

"Actually mr Gallaghers not at this facility."

"Well where is he?" Fiona asked

"Mr Gallagher was released into the care of ... Monica Gallagher."

"Fuck sake." Ivy swore .


She was loosing hope , she flew out here with the little money her mum had thinking she would be able to fix everything but she has fixed dog shit and now Ian's with Monica so she had lost all hope .

A bullet went through the window when Fiona , Veronica and Ivy were chilling in the kitchen . They all jumped to the floor only to hear Mickey and a voice they hasn't heard in ages

"Is that Sammi?" Ivy wondered

They all ran out back and saw Sammi running after Mickey .

"Run Mickey!" Ivy screamed

Sammi then took notice of Ivy and shot near her

"Don't think I forgot about you too Ivy!"

"What the fuck did you do." Fiona asked

"Not much just killed her but she clearly isn't dead." Ivy laughed before turning to go back inside only to see another redhead next to her

"Ian? Oh my god. When did you get back?"

"A couple minutes ago."

"How's Monica?"

"Living with a teenage meth dealer."

"Sounds like monica."

They all laughed before going inside again.

"I have missed you Ian."

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now