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Well it's safe to say the next morning was about to get very sad for all the gallaghers not so much for Ivy as she could just go home but she wouldn't see them for awhile.

"What's going on!" Jimmy asked as all the Gallaghers including Ivy walked out the house.

". Department of family services is taking us." Debbie replied

"Can they do that?"

"It won't last debs I promise what was it last time a week?" Fiona asked

"Nine days."

"Twenty bucks says we are back in five." Lip added

Ian went to get in the van but Ivy stopped him and pulled him back and into a hug

"I'll miss you bud."

"You can last a week without me."

"Not too sure about that."

"You lasted what? 7 years without me before coming back here , you'll be okay Ivy. I love you."

"I love you too." Ian kissed ivys forehead before jumping into the van.

Ivy stood with Fiona as the van drove off, the lady refused to say who reported the house which pissed them all off but they had to live with it for however long they were gonna be away for.


She now stood in the kitchen with Fiona and Jimmy , the vibe was off from the argument they had the other day.

" shit I have a shift in 10 mins" Fiona blurted

"Go to your shift I'll take care of this." Ivy smiled

"Same." Jimmy added

"Wasn't sure I'd see you again Jimmy." Fiona sighed

"Yeah I wasn't either."

" going to see if I can get one of the cock gobblers to cover my shift. So I can get over to the DFS, start checking down the kids . Bye guys."

"Byeee Fiona."

"So Ivy , you cool with me?" Jimmy asked

"Yeah we cool , if you fuck up once more then I won't like you no more Jim Jim."

"I have not missed you calling me that."


"Its oddly quiet." Ivy chuckled , Fiona had just arrived home .

"Tell me about it." She started pulling things out the laundry basket until she pulled out one of Liam's onesies

"Fiona.they will be home soon."

"I just wanna know who reported us that's all." She wiped her tears and got back to doing the washing

"Same Fiona, Same."

"Jimmy?" She yelled as the door opened

"Darker." Veronica answered

"Get anything back from the caseworker?"

"Unfortunately, yes one fat reason why we can't take in your brood. Ethel."

"Well it was worth a shot I guess." Ivy bleated.

"Now what?" Veronica asked

"Gotta kick it into high gear. Figure out where the kids are staying, get the house ready for home inspection. They're gonna require a fit parent to get the kids back so I'm hoping to find monica so I don't have to deal with Frank. Why does it always come down to frank?"

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