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ivy never got the  chance to talk to ian like liam told her to , he once again was too busy with the church and all and had actually grown quite a following so there was no point on her trying to hang out with him anywhere other then the house as random people would pop up asking for information and photos.

about a week later ivy was just chilling until the door went and trevor came running in

"is ian around?"

"I don't know, I don't think he came home last night."

"well have the police been here yet?"

ivy immeadiatly looked at trevor when he said that

"they have a warrant for his arrest."

"what!" ivy yelled

trevor then took ivy to the location where ian had supposbly blown up a van and he had , it was sitting in a parking lot burnt to pieces as someone turned up to tow it away,

"what the fuck happened."

"things got out of hand."

"everythings been out of hand recently! is he off his meds?"

" I have no idea."

ivy then rang ian , he didn't answer so she left a voicemail

"ian hi , its ivy . call me back okay? what the fuck?"

she put her phone away before storming away from trevor leaving him confused .

"ill call you!" she yelled back to  him

once ivy reached a private area she rang lip


"whats up you sound upset?"

"have you seen ian?"

"no not for a couple of days."

she sighed

"the cops are looking for him."

"what? why?"

"all this gay jesus shit hes mixed up in -- they set a van on fire. look he hasn't called me back and no one seems to know where he is , so... if you talk to him , tell him to come right home and we will figure something out . okay?"

"yeah will do."




"we are getting reports of multiple arrests this morning at a rally led by the man calling himself gay jesus." the tv reporter spoke

"I hope hes alright , hes gonna get a proper beating from me the next time I see him." ivy scoffed

"police have identified the man as ian Gallagher. we have information that his organization was involved in an explosion on the southside earlier this week"

"jesus Christ." Fiona sighed



"we are close to getting the bail money."  ivy smiled through the glass , she never thought that ian would be on the other side. "my sister has come back , finally ."

"how soon until im out?"

"tomorrow maybe."

"I need a few more days, theres oppression everywhere in here."

"w-what are you talking about ian? im busting my ass to get you out of this shithole."

"my work here is not done. im saving the submissves from their sexual oppressors."

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now