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"School or out." Fiona argued whilst pointing towards the front door.

Ivy was currently stood with all the Gallaghers including  Jimmy and
Estefania while lip and Fiona fought , lip had been expelled for launching a chair out the window which Fiona was obviously furious about but nobody knew she'd threaten to kick him out like she was doing now.

"What." Lip replied, almost in shock.

"My job is to keep this house going busting my ass for you, working eight jobs making meals keeping everything straight . Your job is school . School or leave." She threatened.

Lip then stormed off upstairs

"I'm surprised I didn't get brought into that . My name likes to get mentioned during family arguments." Ivy laughed with Ian while Fiona laid plates for everyone at the table but everyone turned around when they saw lip come downstairs again "What are you doing?" Ivy asked

"Well I'm not going back to school so I guess that means I'm leaving." He shrugged as he flung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Twat." Ivy muttered "schools not even that bad."


Ivy had just woken up after hearing too many voices downstairs , was always great waking up early to people being way too loud so she went downstairs to check it out to see Frank , Fiona , Debbie , Liam and

"Monica?" Ivy rubbed her eyes in hopes that she was dreaming and that Monica wasn't stood infront of her for her yearly appearance.

"Oh Ivy! Look at you , so pretty." Monica smiled as she cupped ivys face and kissed her forehead

"Where's ian?" She pushed away from Monica.

"Left ." Fiona replied

"Ivy! Sit down enjoy the food." Monica insisted as she pulled a seat out for Ivy in which she sat in "where's lip?"

Everyone stayed silent

"I think I should catch up with ian , lovely seeing you Monica." She replied while smiling as she walked out and caught up to ian who wasn't that far down the street "how long do you reckon she'll stay for?"

"Not long at all , i reckon 2 weeks at the most and she'll be gone." He answered as his eyes stayed pinned to his feet as they walked.

"I wonder where lip is right now." Ivy wondered, feeling kind of bad for the older brother.

"Probbaly at Karen's . You see she's like cancer you kill it in one spot and it pops up in another." They both chuckled

"How's Mickey holding up in juvie?" Ian questioned. Last night after lip left Ivy got a call from the station saying mickey was back in which wasn't a big surprise .

"He called me a fuck-twat . So seems okay you should visit him." She nudged her bestfriend.

"He's still pissed at me."

"Course he is."


"Oh my god." Ivy groaned as the loud music played downstairs from what sounded like Monica and frank "I'm sick of this." She jumped out of bed dragging Ian with her and downstairs.

"I want to do something with my life so shut the Fuck up and let me sleep" Ian yelled over the music as Ivy stopped it.

"Do not talk to your mother like that. You little fucker." Frank pushed him so Ian pushed back .

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now