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"Happy lumpectomy day to you! Happy lumpectomy day to youuu!" Everyone sung as they all entered Kev and v's house . Kev shot them all a dirty look

"Come on!" Ivy cheered

"Happy lumpectomy day! Dear Kev . Happy lumpectomy day to you!"

"Go on make a wish." Fiona waved the pancakes she made in his face that were made to look like tits.

Kevin then blew out the candles before sighing .

"Shit , it's still there." He mumbled as he felt around his breast area for the lump

"It'll go." Ivy promised , Kev didn't believe anything they said but he smiled until he had to go to the hospital.

"I gotta go ." Ian whispered


"Tattoo parlour."

"Having somethiny done for Monica?"


"Alright well I wanna be the first one to see it."

"Okay." He quickly hugged Ivy before rushing out the house and to the tattoo place he was going to.


"Oh wow." Ivy giggled as Ian pulled his top off to show her , Liam and Liams friend the tattoo that had fucked up big time .

"Mhm" Ian replied while chugging down a beer

"Your moms boobs were giant!" Liams friend stared

"He screwed you over big time."

"Jesus what did you do to yourself!" Carl asked

"It's none of ur business." Ian responded

"It's supposed to be Monica."

"Liam!" Ivy and Ian yelled at the same time

Ian and Carl started arguing when Ian noticed this random girl was wearing Monica's jacket , unfortunately he had become very protective of Monica's belongings and had to see or have almost all of it and now tomorrow Ian was going to her storage unit to pick up anything he wanted .

"You're house is so fun." Liams friend grinned

"Get used to it." Liam replied


"This is it." Carl pulled up the units door "I sold most of it already . There's not much left."

"Should've left it so we could pick things out."

"What like her bloody T-shirt , lotion and skanky hairbrush."

"Hey it smells like her! Besides you have all her nice stuff to your hoes."

"He has a point." Ivy added from the corner

"Hey! You're the little fuckers that stole my meth , huh?" This random man burst out from behind a curtain

"Ah shit." Ian scoffed before starting to run , Carl and Ivy behind him.

"I am not made for that much running." Ivy panted , they had ran all the way out of the building from the third floor and then outside and away from the building so that man couldn't find them "I should've stayed home."

"We told you to."

"I was bored okay carl."

"Maybe being bored is good sometimes?"


"Alex don't you dare come near me again ! You slept with Amelia , my high school friend"

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now