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"I am back ladies and gents." ivy announced to the many sat in the alibi , she walked up to the bar stools and sat on the one in front of svet , v and kevin,

"he still going at it with the kids?" kevin asked , ivy nodded.

"hes like a gay jesus." veronica scoffed "whole new person."

"for real. hey Svetlana."


"jeez whats up with you."

"they give me dirty uniform to wear in alibi instead of my own clothes!"

"that's harsh guys."

"dominance." kev grinned

"anyways I need a drink please."

"nope not happening , ian came by earlier and said to not sell you anything anymore."

Ivy groaned , Veronica shrugged as she really had no say in it she was just told to not sell to Ivy.

"wow so he will talk to you guys about me but wont talk to me?"

"mhm . persifically said  'don't sell ivy drinks , she has to stay sober.' so we cant sell you drinks ."

"screw what he has to say man. just give me one."


"fine , this was boring anyways bye."

"you don't need to be rude everytime you don't get your way ivy."

"im not?"

ivy then went to walk out the door but veronica stood in front of it before she could leave

"then what was that about then?"

"what was what?"

"don't play dumb the 'this was boring anways' its rude , your not normally a bitch and I don't want you turning out like your dickface of a brother."



"hes not that bad."

"he can be babygirl , just pull yourself together ivy , youre letting jealousy and anger get the best of you."

ivy then once again left the alibi feeling like shit , she walked all the way back home and was so relieved when she arrived at the steps to just throw herself on the sofa but when she walked inside there was no room at all to move around as ian and his little minions as ivy called them where surrounding the living room.

"ivy! come to join the show  , everyone this is ivy , give us a wave." she tried to walk away but ian pulled her into the crowd.

"hi." she mumbled "let me go ian , frank help."

frank who was in the kitchen , threw his hands up to surrender . he didn't help her , ivy was stuck while ian gave his speech about homophobia . everything he said made sense and was sort of inspirational but ivy was just sick of it , she managed to wiggle herself out of ians strong grip and sprinted into the kitchen.

"where are you going?" ian yelled , she just flipped him off . everyone glared at ivy after she like disobeyed their god damn king but stopped when ian started talking again

"frank! why didn't you help."

"not much I could have done there ivy , too many teens looking for love and appreciation n they would've killed me if I had stepped near him. im surprised they didn't kill you."

"im sick of this."

"are you drunk?"

"no frank im not . ian went by the alibi and told kev and v to not serve me shit."

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now