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"This job is killing me , take your god damn food." Ivy gave Trevor the muffin he ordered and Ian the full on meal he ordered

"When do you get off?"

"In like 30 minutes but I could drop dead any second now."

"Come bsck with us."

"Maybe , enjoy your food gotta act professional from now on."

"Have fun."

"Having fun already Ian. Bye T."

"Bye Ivy." Trevor smiled

"Excuse me ma'am my tea tastes bad." A man complained

"Oh well I'm sorry I'll get you a new one."

"Yes you will."

"Excuse me."

"You will sweetie."

"Don't speak to me like that!"

"I'm just trying to compliment you! Girls can't take anything these days nicely."

He then slowly placed his hand on ivys ass but she whacked it off

"You fucking creep!"

"You know you liked it."

"Fuck you is what I liked."

"Ivy are you okay?" Ian asked as he approached them

"No this dude just grabbed my ass!"

"Lay your dirty hands on Ivy again and you won't see another day. Now get out!" Ian demanded . The man then surprisingly left with no argument and Ivy went out back to lip and sierra .

"I don't know how much longer I can do this . That's the second time this week I've been harassed by men!"

"You just got harassed?" Lip asked

"Ye this creepy old dude touched my ass."

"Jeez Ivy everyone loves you."

"It's not funny lip!"

"Everything okay back here?" Sierra asked

"Yeah it's good. You think I could go earlier?"

"Yeah go . Just clock out first I'll tell Fiona."

"Thanks sierra, see you later."

Ivy then caught up to Trevor and Ian who were in a god dsmn sex shop

"I'm thinking of quitting you know."

"It's crazy how realistic this is." Ian chuckled at the dildo he was waving around

"I don't know why we are shopping for a new cock when I have a bunch at my place."

"Like I've been harassed so many times at patsys but if I don't have a job Fiona will kick me out!"

"Cause I don't want a tired old used up cock in my ass."

"Why that's what I'm getting in my ass."

"You wait alright I've never had an unsatisfied customer."

"Are you even listening?" Ivy scoffed

"No Ivy were not . You clearly hate the job so just quit instead of complaining about it 24/7 im sure Kev or V will give you a job at the alibi if you ask nicely."

"You're right Ian I'm sorry. Why are we even here again?"

"Because me and Ian are both tops and for some reason for him to let me screw him he wanted to buy a new cock instead of using the many I already have."

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now