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ivy entered the back door only to jump at the sight of ian with black hair.

"what in gods name did you do to your hair!"

"wanted a change."

she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a spoon before sitting opposite of him

"you gonna apolgise to me for earlier?"

"yeah I was gonna do that , im sorry ivy I get that your just trying to help but im just stressed."

"I know. you know you really freaked out Fiona today."

"yeah , she deserved it though."

"is that you saying I also deserved it." he raised his eyebrows at her "im kidding ian , should I tell her youre back?"

"no let her sweat it out."


"is Alicia gone for good?"

"I think so , she supposedly came back but I don't think she did . shes gone"

"damn I never really got to see you in action . acting like a mom"

"yeah well imagine how much your gonna miss when your in jail for 10 years."

"yeah . Debbie may or may not be married to a woman."

"carl will be a war criminal."

"lip will be a father."

"liam will be the father of a ten year old."


"he thinks he got a girl preggy."

"well fucking hell did he ivy?"

"no . it'd be great though"


"Fiona would have a new kid to control. maybe she'd let up on us,"



"he will most likely be dead." ian chuckled "you?"

"no idea . hopefully alive if I haven't drunk myself to death."

"hey ivy do me a favour."



"alright Gallagher I'm going to bed , I love you Ian."

"I love you too"

she kissed his forehead and then headed upstairs, avoiding making noises to wake the others up,  and then to bed.


boy oh boy was ivy having fun sat in the courtroom , she had no idea what Ian was going to go with . whether he would plead not guilty with reason of insanity or plead guilty.

"all rise!" the man asked , everyone then stood up to listen

"please be seated," the judge ordered "so youre this gay Jesus I've heard so much about. "

"uh no your honor , I mean yes , but... my name is Ian Gallagher."

"alright Mr Gallagher in the case of the state of Illinois versus Ian Gallagher for the felony crime of arson , how do you plead?"

"your honor, a young man was being forced into a van against his will to be taken to a conversion camp. his would be captors wanted to deny him of his nature and I stopped that from happening, so I will not apologise for that , and the people who were trying to change him were his family , people who were supposed to love him for who he was unconditionally like my family... has loved me." he started to tear up a little as he looked back at ivy who was smiling at him he then continued "and to not love -- that is a true crime. and at the end of the day everything I did , I did  in the hopes that we would learn to love each other the way that jesus taught and god intended , and , more importantly the - the way that we all need. but I understand that there are laws, and I broke one"

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now