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"My bestgirl has arrived!" Veronica shouted as she noticed Ivy walking into the alibi.

"Oh fuck off what's she doing here." Mickey complained as he downed his drink.

"It's almost like it's a public bar mick , go take a shower you reek." she chuckled .

"Ivy over here!" She looked over to see kai raising his hand to get her attention , she then sat next to him and ordered drinks.

"Is it true?" She whispered and kai shot her a weird look. "Did you set fire to a car?"

"Yeah I did but I had a reason , I was being robbed so I lit the robbers car on fire." He explained .

"Eh fair enough I guess anyways how you been?" Ivy asked as she took a sip from the Diet Coke v just placed infront of her.

"Could've been better but I've been okay. Where the hell did you even go?" He wondered .

"England . Had to move with my mum to get away from terry." Ivy sighed taking another sip of her coke

"I guessed it! You caught the accent ." He laughed "your brother mickeys been causing shit tons of trouble. Robbing , killing doing everything."

"Killing? Jesus ." She raised her eyebrows , concerned for her brother.

" well I may have been a bit dramatic there" Kai admitted.

"Oh okay. How's your mum? I miss her"

"Dead" he blurted.

"Excuse me? Did you just say she passed?" Ivy held her hand to her heart, feeling sorry for the boy.

He nodded

"Kai I'm so sorry"

"It's fine it's been awhile" he shrugged it off like it was nothing.


Kai and Ivy sat and spoke for ages about what they had been doing the past couple of years and how each other's family's had been but Ivy got a call from Ian saying to pick him up as it was a emergency so she had to dash earlier then she wanted to.

"Should do this again sometime." She smiled and he agreed .

Once only being around the corner from Ian she ran to him who stood there with a card in his hand .

"What's up! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She gulped as he passed her the card , she ripped it open and began reading out loud

"To Ivy,
Don't be mad but we signed you up for school ages ago and tomorrow you start! You have me so you'll be fine but I didn't know how to tell you so surprise!" She looked up at Ian with the biggest smile on her face before hugging him tight

"Your gonna kill me Ivy let go a bit." He chuckled trying to push the ginger off of him.

"I don't have pens though?" She panicked.

"Well let's go buy some with the 5 dollars I have." They both laughed as they walked down the street , arms linked and big smiles on their faces .

"Thank you Ian." She whispered to him

"Anytime Ivy."

(Idk why this chapters so short and shit)

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now