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Ivy was now chilling in the alibi without her buddy Ian for once with Kevin frank tommy and some random passed out dude , no Kermit tho.

"Mind over matter that's the trick in the matters of the flesh it's all about willpower . Some people have it , some don't  me? I got it in spades." Frank rambled

"Lip and Ian were released" Ivy added as frank stared at her cluelessly

"Released from what?" Frank queried.

"Jail frank." Ivy clarified but Frank just looked so unbothered and that worried Ivy.

"Hmm about time too . You must struggle with the temptation , Kevin. Nubile Young temptress traipsing around your house. In and out of the bathroom in her dainty little undies." Frank rattled on gaining looks from anyone who could hear him.

"Are you talking about Ethel!" Kevin cursed as he lent over the bar to be face to face with Frank.

"What is she , 13?14? They know but won't say. Hannah Montana . Those oversexed kids on glee think they're selling goods , wholesome, all American fun? Hell no. Flesh and underage temptation . You can look but ohh no , no touching" Frank chuckled absolutely clueless to the things he was saying.

"Fuck off frank." Kevin rolled his eyes

"I think we should go frank dont you?" Ivy said as she stood up and stared to drag him off his seat

"Ivy get off me! We must finish this conversation." He insisted sitting back down in his worn out seat, one he'd been sitting in almost everyday for years.

"No frank we shouldn't finish as you've pissed Kevin off and it looks like I'm in charge of you so get out!" She yelled while pushing Frank out the door and down the road

"You know Ivy I think that you and my boy Ian would be perfect." Frank prattled, he was drunk as per usual and chatting out of his arse

"Hm I don't think so Frank now walk and don't talk." She sighed as they walked back home together.

Once they arrived they saw shit loads of people in the kitchen which was weird.

"Party and we weren't invited?" Frank made himself sound offended

"Why would anyone invite you Frank?" Fiona replied as she took of a sip of the beer she was holding.

Ivy walked into the kitchen to see that blonde lady who she awkwardly met the other day.

"Hi! I'm jasmine." She greeted putting her hand out for Ivy to shake.

"Yeah I remember." Ivy smiled but turned down the handshake.

Ivy then sat with Carl at the table as he continuously kicked her under it

"Carl what on earth is your problem!" Ivy whined as she kicked him back but not as hard not wanting to hurt him.

"Your my problem Ivy now move a seat down."  He joked as she ignored him "Fiona are you gonna ground them?" He asked talking about lip and Ian

"It's nothing I'm not their mother" she surrendered.

"So I can steal a car and nothing will happen to me?" Carl grinned secretly planning something with the 2 brain cells he had left.

"You steal a car and I'll smother you in your sleep Carl now sit down." Fiona teased , she went back to helping Veronica and that jasmine girl cook for the boys.

"A toast! To Chicago jurisprudence and adolescent misadventure." Jasmine cheered as Veronica just gave her a weird look.

Lip then walked down the stairs but instead of sitting down he grabbed his coat

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