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after ivy had her last dinner with ian and the family for awhile , she found herself outside on the steps with ian .

"for your commissary account." ivy then handed him some leftover money she had

"ill pay you back."

"no , you wont."

after the awkward silence ian offered his cig he was smoking , she went to take it but he teased her with it by waving it everywhere so she couldn't get it but his arm got tired so he finally gave it to her, ian then wrapped his arm around her back as she cuddled into him.

"im gonna miss you ivy. im sorry for being such a douche these past couple of months."

"im glad youre aware of how much of a twat you were."

"twat... that some English slang?" ivy laughed at the way he pronounced it , he said it like 'twut' which was hilarious to ivy. "whats funny."

"its twat not twut . it means idiot."

"I wish I knew English words."

"oh no you don't they are awful."

"bite me."

"okay so do you know what being shanked is."


"no Ian that's shagging. shanking is stabbing so you would say it like ' I'm gonna shank you up' something like that , I'm not the best with my English words since I'm not fully English and I'm not a roadman but I'm okay at it."

"okay so would I look scarier if I said to someone in prison 'I'm gonna shank you'"

"to be honest saying cheffed would sound better. like 'wanna get cheffed' "

"does that mean the same thing as shanked?"

"it sounds weird when you say it but ye."

"I'm gonna use it in prison."

"jeez , one British person in there and youre a goner."

"ill be fine , especially with my skills you taught me ."

"those were basic things."

"okay miss show off."

she passed the cig back before standing up in front of ian.

"up," she ordered ,


"stand up,"

"okay?" he stood up in front of her waiting for her to say something yet she just put her arms around him.

"im gonna miss you too ian Gallagher , you are such a dumbass for blowing up that van." she punched his chest before continuing to hug him.

"I know , I love you ivy."

"I love you too."

he kissed her forehead for the last time for awhile before going back inside and up to bed,


so they all faced a fat ass problem the following morning , Fiona never showed up to take ian to prison so 'uncle kev' as he called himself drove everyone to the prison and now they were all walking up to the gates,

ian turned around to face everyone,

"alright. I uh... thought Geneva and some of the others would be here but..."

"you can only count on family dude," carl replied before hugging him.

"im gonna miss you." debs hugged him liam joined the hug then everyone else did but ivy she stayed back and waited for her own hug.

Ivy milkovich Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα