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"You wanna go Veronica!" Ivy yelled as she sat on top of lips shoulders and v was on top of kevs. "Kev is a literal giant this is unfair."

"Life's not fair Ivy haven't you learned?" Lip grinned , Ivy and Veronica started pushing each other "come on Ivy take her down!"

"Hold on there girl you're going down!" Veronica yelled as she pushed Ivy into the water "I don't play!"

"Ivy you gotta get stronger your so weak." Ian teased as he stood lent against the pool.

"Oh shut up." Ivy chuckled as she splashed water all over him.

"Hey guys!" Fiona smirked as her and Adam joined everyone but not in the pool

"Who's this?" Kevin questioned

"Oh. Kevin meet Adam , Adam meet Kevin." Fiona introduced the pair

"Nice to meet you." Adam put his hand out and Kevin went to shake it but purposely splashed him with water as he did so.

"Oh sorry bro." Kevin laughed

Ivy then looked over to the side to see Karen angrily walking over, she quickly tapped everyone in the pool to get their attention to Karen.

"Whys she here?" Ivy shot her a dirty look as she approached lip who had just gotten out of the pool.

"Hey you okay?" Lip asked Karen but seconds after was greeted by a knee to his dick

"Why the fuck was one of your little girlfriends at my house trying to screw jody? He turned her down and told me what happened." She snapped

"Because he's a fucking pussy." Lip argued back only to be kicked again

"Fuck you" Karen spat.

"Hey hey." Fiona tried to break them apart but nothing was working so Ivy stepped in.

"Get the Fuck outta here and leave lip alone" she slapped karen round the face and karen went to fight back but was held back by Kevin and Ivy was held back by Ian

"Fuck you lip! Stay the Fuck away from jody! Stay the fuck away from me and stay the fuck away from this baby."

"Well done lip." Ivy spat before walking away from everyone


"Out of milk . Bev wants breakfast" Carl said before snatching the bowls of cereal Ian had made for him and Ivy.

"Oh come on." He snatched them back "what about those house sitting jobs."

"Got any Virginia slims?" Carl asked hank

"Let's try the neighbour's." Hank replied as they walked away .

"Where can I get knifes and blunts?" Debbie asked Ian , Ivy watched her grab Carl and ask him shit loads of questions most likely about Hank.

"Alley behind the Otb . Ask for raoul but bring a rag. Sometimes he doesn't bother to wipe the blood off of the blade ." Ian replied to Debbie as if everything he just said was perfectly normal.

"You know what Ian I'm not gonna question why you know that." Ivy gave him a weird look

"Lip up?" Fiona asked everyone as she walked down with a basket full of washing only to see that Carl had put stuff in the washing machine , everyone shook their heads in response to Fiona's question and she then sent Ivy upstairs .

"Everyone's wondering if you've got ptsd ." Ivy joked as she sat on Ian's bed, gaining lips attention.

"Late night working in the ice cream truck." He lied.

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