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Ivy was now in the car with lip Carl and Mickey , the cops had caught Ian and the baby and were waiting at the station .

Ivy was so excited to see Ian yet so terrified , with what she had been told the bipolar had rlly screwed him over and he was different at the moment. She was scared he wouldn't care about her anymore...

"Hey excuse me! I got a call about my brother being in here , Ian Gallagher?" Lip spoke to the cop at the reception

"Oh ye that's me I was the arresting officer. Does your brother have a history of mental illnesses?"


"He was acting irrationally. Left the baby locked inside of a hot car , and then he ran away when we tried to question him."

"Is the baby okay?" Mickeys worried voice asked

"Yeah he's sleeping in the back. Is the baby your brothers baby?"

"No HES mine."

"You're the father?"

"Who are you in relationship to mr gallagher?"

"His partner. Lover? Family? You know?"

"We took mr Gallagher to the E.R they gave him a sedative seemed to calm him down but he's clearly a troubled kid."

"Is he under arrest?" Ivy asked

"He'll have to face some charges, but we're not gonna hold him but his car went to impound you won't be able to get that processed for a couple days, and  youll have to pay the tow charges . You need to get him some help."

"Yeah and we will , can we just see him?" Ivy asked

The three that went inside the station sat waiting for Ian

"You came out?" Ivy whispered to Mickey

"Yeah , dad beat the shit out of me for it but he's in jail."

"Good the fucker needs to stay in there"

"How's mom? Alicia?"

"They're good , did you get my postcard?"

"Yeah I did , she's all grown up now."

"Yup. 13 gonna be 14 soon."

The buzzer then went and Ian walked out the door , everyone went to hug him except Ivy . So far he only put his arms around mickey not lip so she was stressed about hugging him for some reason .

"Ivy?" Ian's voice trembled

"Hey." She smiled

He speedily walked into her arms

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay ian. Your safe and okay now."

"I missed you."

"I missed you too. Let's get you home okay."


Mickey grabbed his baby and they all went back to the car.

It was one long journey home , Ian luckily slept for half of it the others didn't though.

"We need to get him committed even if he doesn't want to go." Mickey spoke up "we can just tell them he kidnapped the kid right?"

"You did okay mickey." Lip assured him "hell , you tried. That's a lot more then most people would do."

Ivy watched as Mickey wiped his tears away , she mouthed 'are you okay' to him and he nodded , he wasn't but she wasn't gonna bother him too much. She was glad Ian was home , safe and with her .

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now