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"Ivy? Ivy wake up." She was shaken continuously.

When she finally opened her eyes she saw Ian above her

"I want to rest."

"Ian? Is that really you?"

"Yes , I'm tired Ivy please get out of my bed."

"Holy shit." She pulled both of her arms up to hug him but fell back in pain

"Are you okay?" Ian asked

"No psycho Sammi shot my arm last night."

"She shot you?"


"Can you please move im tired."

"I'm not sure I can Ian."

"Atleast move over"


"Goodnight Ivy."

"Sleep well Ian."

They both fell back asleep , Ivy from the pain and Ian from the meds.


"Where is he?" Ivy asked Debbie , once Ivy felt lively again she got up only to hear that Ian flushed his pills

"Back yard I think."


She walked outside to see him sat emotionless on a chair.

"Flushed your pills? You get that that's a full on Monica move right?"

"I'm not monica."

"Come on . Let's go to the clinic , let's get you a new prescription Ian."


"Debbie feels like it's her fault."

"Now your trying to manipulate me like we used to do with Monica."


"I'm not Monica, I didn't slash my wrists over thanksgiving dinner . I went for a drive."

"You took a baby. Imagine how I felt when I got a phone call at like midnight saying you were missing. I got the next possible flight out here."

"I took him ... for a drive, yeah I guess it was a really long drive , and I didn't plan ahead but I didn't hurt that baby I took care of the baby, I fed the baby ,I sang to the baby, I love that baby. I get why everyone's freaking out , but, Like Fiona pulled some serious shit not too long ago and everyone didn't try to turn on her and permanently medicate her."

"She went to jail."

It's true Fiona went to jail for accidentally leaving some coke out which Liam some how got into and he almost died

"So did I and now I'm out. I'm not Monica any more then she is."

Ivy then went inside looking for debs

"You know where she is?" Ivy asked Frank

"She went to get drugs."

"And you didn't stop her?"

"I'm injured."

"So am I frank , we both got shot not only you."

Ivy then stormed outside



"Hey what's going on!"
Veronica asked

"Oh my god v!" Ivy ran into her arms "I missed you so much and I needed this hug so badly"

"So what's going on?"

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now