Chapter 32

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Such a weird thought came to his mind for a moment, then it disappeared in a blink of eye. While Liang Yifei was thinking about it, he had unknowingly passed through the corpse in the center and arrived in his seat. After he got back his composure and smelled the blood again, his first reaction was to vomit.

He decisively opened the window to ventilate. He was about to vomit outside the window when his gaze suddenly solidified. He couldn’t even vomit, so he only retched.

He wanted to call out Xie-ge, but he found that he couldn’t speak.

Under the building was the corpse of Zhao Haojie.

He had been pushed down by someone though the window.

Liang Yifei stared blankly. He felt a soreness in his eyes, and his heart was blocked.

He cried.

He cried loudly.

All the sad and fearful emotions accumulated, and it finally got vented at this moment.

In addition to Liang Yifei and Xie Chian, and there was also Lin Chaowen who was missing, the group of unit 502 was dead.

The persons who chatted in their dorm last night were like this today. Liang Yifei couldn’t accept it, he really couldn’t.

Xie Chian conveniently put some food into his pocket and heard Liang Yifei’s cry.

He turned his head and looked around. Liang Yifei stood beside the windowsill and cried fiercely.

Xie Chian tilted his head slightly.

He glanced downstairs from the window, and he clearly understood.

Liang Yifei broke down. This was the reaction of normal people.

Xie Chian listened to Liang Yifei’s heart-piercing cry and slowly touched his heart.

It was obvious that he also felt so uncomfortable, but his heartbeat was as calm as ever.

The same hand moved to touch his eyes.

It was dry, there were no tears.

Xie Chian maintained absolute sanity and calmly said: “If you cry like this again, you will attract people.”

“Xie Chian, do you have any heart!” Liang Yifei suddenly erupted. Using his crying voice, he roared: “Zhao Haojie and the others are dead, you don’t have a drop of tear?”

Xie Chian’s finger moved.

After a long time, he said: “Sorry, I don’t.”

Liang Yifei raised his head incredulously, as if he didn’t know him.

“Xie Chian, you are terrible,” he murmured.

They always thought that Xie Chian was gentle, because he never got angry with anyone. But they had also forgotten that Xie Chian won’t be happy for anyone, nor cry for anyone. He always had that expression. He seemed to had no emotions.

Liang Yifei wiped his tears fiercely: “Xie Chian, I’ve misunderstood you! You are a ruthless person! Let’s go our separate ways!” As he said this, he stuffed his pocket with food and rushed out through the door.

Xie Chian stood alone in the classroom full of corpses. His eyes drooped, and his long eyelashes trembled.

Was this scary?

If you had once seen the true hell before, how could you even be affected by this?


In the small supermarket.

Most of the students were fooled away by Xie Chian, but there were still teachers who did not leave.

Teacher Wang walked towards the vice-principal and asked in a low voice: “You really don’t have the key?”

The vice-principal replied anxiously: “Oh, I really don’t! You don’t know that all of this supermarket was under the hands of that woman. And there was not much in it. I blame her for being a good person, meddling in the other people’s business. Now there is only enough for two people to eat!”

Teacher Wang flicked her fingertips on the vice-principal’s chest: “Then you cheat for the key. She is your wife, she must listen to you.”

The vice-principal was cautious, “What do you want to do?”

Teacher Wang smiled and said, “Isn’t it enough for two people? I want her share.” When he said it, her face became charming in a way that wasn’t usually seen on the image of a teaching director.

The vice-principal hesitated: “This…”

“If you won’t give it, I will tell people everywhere, and I will not responsible for telling that you were sleeping with another,” Teacher Wang said, “Anyway, I am extremely hungry and shameless. Do you want to have this reputation?”

The vice-principal stared: “Don’t talk nonsense!”

“Why am I talking nonsense? You don’t dare admit it?” Teacher Wang hummed softly.

The vice-principal used the money from Teacher Deng’s supermarket to raise his mistress. Not many people knew about it. Even at this moment, the vice-principal still wanted his face and refused to let people knew that he was cheating.

The vice-principal’s face stretched out: “Alright, alright. I’ll try to find a way.” He had no feelings for the wife in his family for a long time. Even if she lost her life, there will be no guilt.

People were selfish.

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