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A baby was handed away. Never to be seen again. A mother cried as she watched her baby be taken from her, the only thing that eased her pain was that it was somewhat by choice.

"Don't worry." Her husband soothed as he smoothed her hair down. "She's in safe hands, I promise."

The mother layed her head back, closing her eyes and squeezing them tightly as she tried to stop the ever flowing tears.

"Please take care of her." She prayed silently.

She opened her eyes as she felt a gentle kiss on her forhead. "I'm sorry it had to be this way." He apologised. "Did you name her?" He asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"Isabelle." She replied, a soft smile replaced her tears. "My beautiful, Isabelle."

"One day, we shall find her. I promise."

She quickly turned her head and shook her head. "No. She must stay away, nobody must know about her. It's for her own safety."

"Of course, yes." He replied quickly with a nod of his head. He turned to look at the guards, giving them a warning look. "What just happened in this room, stays in this room. What was spoken, remains only spoken in this room. Do you understand?"

"Yes my Lord." Both the guards spoke at the same time with a nod of their heads.

"Good." He turned his head to look at his wife before pressing his lips against her forhead once more. "It'll be alright." He soothed. "She will be just fine."

Four Years Later

Four year old, Isabelle Bennett sat alone on one of the snowy benches that was placed next to the blacksmith stall. She hated living in The North, living in Winterfell, she hated the cold. She also hated that her Father would leave for weeks at a time, serving Lord Stark.

She was smart for a four year old, she knew that he would return, she knew when he would return too. She would over hear the knights talking about the return of those who had gone into battle or those who had travelled to a different kingdom to exchange news, goods or even to lend some military support.

Today was different, today she didn't hear any news, but she thought nothing of it, maybe everyone was busy but still, she sat patiently on the bench, waiting for her father's return.

Hours went by and there was still no sign of the army that had left a few days ago.


She looked up to see Lady Stark, looking down at her, a worried expression on her face.

"Lady Stark." Isabelle said as she stood up. Her Father had taught her from the age of one that she was to respect the Starks.

"How long have you been outside for?" Catelyn asked as she knelt down to the child's height, not caring that her dress and cloak would be getting dirty.

Isabelle shrugged and Catelyn stood back up, holding her hand out. "Come, let's get you warmed up."

"But...My Father will be home soon."

Catelyn smiled down at Isabelle. "He'll know where to find you."

Isabelle glanced from the big gate to Catelyn who patiently waited for the child. Isabelle let out a small sigh but took Catelyn's hand and walked with her into the warmth of the castle.

Catelyn removed her cloak and handed it to one of her servents before she led Isabelle further into the castle. Isabelle looked around in amazement, everytime she came inside, she couldn't believe how big it was inside.

Her Knight - Sansa Stark FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now