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Isabelle's POV

I sat on the edge of Cersei's bed, looking down at the bruising on my stomach. I should be used to this sort of thing now. It seems every other week I was getting beat, but this time it hurt the most. Yet I was also numb. I felt nothing yet I felt everything. I could feel the stinging of the bruises on my skin as I touched them, but I felt no emotions.

I turned my head slowly and looked behind as I felt Cersei moving around. Her eyes remained closed. Her breathing remained slow and relaxed. I stood up slowly and walked towards my clothes there were in a messy pile on a chair. I held my vest up and shook my head at the scattered patches of dried blood.

I got dressed as quietly as possible before leaving Cersei's room. I didn't know where I was going, I just let my feet take me wherever. I kept my head down, not wanting to speak to any of the few people that were awake.

It was early morning, Cersei had made me stay the entire night with her. I don't think I slept much during the night, maybe I didn't even sleep at all.

I walked down some steps, just walking through the huge castle, that's all I did. I just walked and walked...Until I was stopped.

"What in seven hells happened to you?"

I looked up to see that I had wandered outside, Olenna was sat at a table, eating her breakfast.

"Nothing." I mumbled looking back down. "Just...Fell off my horse."

"You always were a terrible liar, my dear. Come sit and tell me the truth." I shook my head and Olenna sighed. "Do not disobey me child, you're not too old for a smacked bottom. Sit."

I did as I was told and sat in front of Olenna. She pushed her plate of food towards me held her hand out. "Eat."

"I'm not hungry, that is also your food."

"You must eat and to be quite honest with you, the food tastes like shit. For such a rich city, you'd think they'd have much better quality food. You'd find savages eating better than this."

"So why do you want me to eat this, shit, then?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"You've been here longer than I have, you're used to it."

"Even if that's true, I'm not hungry."

"Very well then." Olenna grabbed the plate and slowly pushed it over the edge, causing the plate to smash and the food to scatter everywhere. "Oh dear, what a terrible accident. I do apologise." She said as one of the maids cleaned up. "Now, Isabelle. What happened to you? You have cuts and bruises on your face, there's blood on your vest. I don't believe that was caused by falling from your horse."

"I'd rather not talk about it."

"We'll see about that." Olenna moved slightly to the side and gestured with two fingers for someone to come here. "Sansa, please see what the matter is with Isabelle."

My heart dropped. Tears filled my eyes. I looked up at Sansa, she looked down at me. Her eyes widened and she fell to her knees, her hands on my knee.

"What happened? Who did this?" She asked both angry and worried.

"It's none of your concern, please don't worry yourself."

"It's too late for that. Tell me who did this."

"Please, get your hands off of me."

Sansa slowly removed her hands as she stood up, giving me a confused look. She look at Olenna who looked just as confused. I stood up from the table and without another word, I walked away. I walked back into the castle, but it wasn't long before I was pulled by the arm and spun around.

Her Knight - Sansa Stark FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now