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Isabelle's POV

It had been four months since I had become knighted, Ned got sent to the dungeons, I slept with Cersei and lost Sansa as a friend...But it wasn't so bad. I still slept with Cersei...And just like every other day, which truly started the moment I got my armour, Joffrey would beat me.

I know what you're thinking, how could that not be bad? Well, it helped get all the anger and frustration out of my system. It just made me angry at first but soon I got used to it and I actually began to enjoy it.

Joffrey was even kind enough to help clean the blood from my body afterwards, however I do believe he was doing that so he wouldn't get caught. Not that he really cared, he only cared about his Mother.

I also got a new drinking buddy last month, Tyrion Lannister, Cersei and Jaime's brother. We bonded over our dislike of Joffrey. He would joke how he shouldn't feel that way towards his nephew, but I don't blame him for feeling that way.

The city was also unsettled, due to the fact Ned was still imprisoned, his trial continuing to be suspended...I was thankful for that, I always worry about the outcome. I'd hate for his sentence to be death. I already lost one Father, I couldn't lose the only father figure in my life.

"What are you thinking about my friend?" Tyrion asked as he poured us another goblet of wine.

This is what had been happening for the last few hours, Tyrion and I drinking and just talking about the most random things.

"Just everything that's happened." I replied taking a big gulp of the sweet drink. "It's hard to believe, what, four or five months ago I was just somebody acting like a knight, but now I'm a real one...But was the price worth it?" I mumbled the last part to myself.

"What do you mean by that?" Tyrion asked as he made himself comfortable on one of the lavish seats in front of me.

I just stared down at the wine in my goblet and shrugged my shoulders. "It seems my good fortune, my life turning around, brought misery to the Starks."

"I repeat my earlier question, what do you mean by that?"

I sighed. "Ned got thrown in the dungeon, Sansa is no longer my friend, Arya has been avoiding me and when she does look at me, she gives me the dirtiest of looks and she basically looks like she wants to kill me. I swear last night she was in my room, watching me. I do believe one day she is going to slit my throat in my sleep."

Tyrion just laughed and took a sip of his drink. "You worry too much and you think too much. It wasn't your fault that Ned decided to be a traitor, and as for Sansa, well. I'm surprised she isn't siding with you, for you are basically siding with Joffrey and from my time being here since returning from the Wall,  she seems to always agree with what her precious King says."

"I don't think that's the reason we're no longer friends." I said with a half smile. "I made a mistake, twice that night actually, but I continue to make that mistake but...But I like it. It serves as a distraction.."

"Seven hells." Tyrion exclaimed, causing my head to shoot up. "You're fucking my sister, aren't you?"

I began to stutter and I shook my head but Tyrion just threw his head back and let out the loudest laugh I've ever heard in my entire life.

"Don't worry, I won't tell a soul." He said once he stopped laughing. "However, a word of advice...Don't let this be something that spreads around. Cersei will probably have you beheaded and make you out to be a liar."

"She wouldn't do that? Would she..?"

Tyrion just gave me a look before downing the rest of his wine.

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