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Isabelle's POV

The Queen and I were sat outside on the balcony, looking out across the city. From here, it looked absolutely gorgeous, especially with the sun slowly setting in the distance. I've seen many sunsets, but this one...This one was by the far the most beautiful, it was small things like this that I enjoyed doing the most.

Talking and watching the sun set. It was relaxing, it was calming...It was when I was happiest.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

I looked at the Queen and nodded my head with a smile. "Yes, you're so lucky to see this whenever you want."

"If you ever want to watch the sunset like this again, you're always welcome to."



"Thank you, your majesty."

"Please, call me Cersei."

I nodded my head and turned to look at the sunset once more. I was always amazed at the different colours that lit up the sky, the patterns and the way they would almost as if melt into each other, was like something out of a painting. The purple, the red, forming a pink and a dark blue. It was truly breath taking.

"May I ask what you're thinking about?" Cersei asked, breaking the silence between us.

"Just how beautiful the sunset is."

"But you're crying."

I brought my hand to my cheek, surprised when I felt the wetness of tears. I looked at Cersei and she had a concerned expression on her face, I looked away and quickly dried my eyes.

"I don't know why I'm crying." I chuckled.

"Could it be you're missing someone? Or perhaps you're happy?"

"I miss my father."

"Did you leave him in Winterfell? If you did, you are free to visit him anytime, I'll even gather some of the great knights to es-

"He's dead."

"Oh." She paused. "A thousand apologies, once more."

"He's partly the reason I want to become a better fighter. I want to kill the bastard that killed him." I let out a deep sigh and looked Cersei in the eyes. "I was a child. Four years of age, he never returned to Winterfell. Wildlings attacked on their journey back, he died saving Lord Stark. However, the worst thing is in recent years, I've began to forget his voice. Forget his face." My voice broke and I stopped talking before I began to cry. "I've forgotten the way his hugs feel." I tried to continue but it was no use, the tears fell freely and my head dropped into my hands as I began to cry hard.

I felt a hand gently rub my back and when I looked up, I saw Cersei crouched beside me. "What about your mother?"

I sniffled and sat up, causing Cersei to stand and return to her seat. "I never knew her, she died when I was born." Cersei was about to speak but I cut her off. "If you dare apologise again your majesty..."

Cersei smiled and raised her eyebrows. "About to make a threat to the Queen?"

"I'm sorry."

"It's quite alright. I know there was no intent behind the words you said."

"How could you possibly know that?"

"Because I know you. The way you talk, the way you present yourself...It's allowed me to get to know you and the kind of person you are. You're not the kind of person to hurt someone unless you had a valid reason to."

"How could you know me? We've not known eachother even a day. How do you not know I was faking?"

"The kind of emotions you showed while talking about your Father are hard to fake. I could see the hurt in your eyes, hear the hurt in your voice. Nobody can fake that, as for knowing you..It doesn't matter how long or how little we've known each other. I still know you."

I watched as Cersei poured herself a goblet of wine, she glanced towards me and poured a second, gently sliding the second goblet towards me.

"Have a drink with me and let's enjoy the sunset, hm?"

I carefully grabbed the goblet and took a sip of the wine, this was delicious. This was my first time having wine and it was fantastic. Cersei gave me a strange look but it soon dawned on her that this was my first taste of alcohol.

"You're welcome." She smirked as she took a sip of wine herself.

- - -

With Cersei's help, she led me to the room I would be staying in, it was next to Sansa's room so thankfully I would be close to her if she needed me.

Cersei opened the door and I stumbled inside, almost falling over and pulling Cersei down with me.

"This is no job for a Queen." She groaned as she walked me over to the bed.

"So why you doing it then?" I asked falling onto my back on the soft bed.

"Because I'm not getting you into trouble for relaxing and having the great pleasure of drinking with me. Now, come on. Let's get you out of those clothes."

Cersei gently pulled me up by the arms and began to untie the lace that held my vest together, as she removed the vest and placed it on the night stand beside the bed, a funny feeling overcame me and I knew what was about to happen.


"Yes?" She replied as she reached for my shirt.

Before I could answer, the wine that I had drank, came up and it went all over the floor, some even landing on her dress.

"Oh no."

"It's alright."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's alright."

"I've ruined your dress."

"It's alright."

"Please don't cut my head off."

"Isabelle." She grabbed my face gently, making me look up at her. "It's alright. We've all done this at least once. It's nothing to worry about or be ashamed of. You've had too much to alcohol and now you need to rest. I'll send someone in here to clean this up, but for now, let's get you ready for bed. Is that alright with you?"

I nodded my head slowly and allowed Cersei to undress me, leaving me completely naked. I watched as her eyes landed on my stomach and I quickly covered it up with my arms. She didn't question why I did this, instead she just stood me up, pulled the covers back and helped me lay down.

"Sleep well." She said stroking my hair gently. My eyes began to grow heavy and just before they closed, Cersei left, quietly closing the door behind her.

Once she had gone, I practically fell asleep instantly, I just hoped I didn't remember this in the morning, how embarrassing, throwing up on the Queen...What an idiot.

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