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Isabelle's POV

I didn't want to leave Sansa alone but she had told me she wanted to talk to her father alone. I completely understood and I respected that. I had told her I would wait in my room and that she should send Tyrion or Margaery if she wished to see me.

It hurt so much not being able to have the freedom to be with her whenever and wherever I pleased, but it was the only way Cersei wouldn't suspect anything and wouldn't be tempted to harm Sansa.

Part of me did feel sorry for Cersei, she didn't love her husband, her father clearly doesn't love her, her son treats her like shit. Tommen, her other son, he doesn't spend much time with her, Jaime has been away for weeks, I was the only one there for her. I understood why she would be afraid of losing me, losing the only person that cared. I feel partly the same but I would never force someone to be mine or do the things she's made me do, I would never kill someone that showed interest in her or threaten to harm the person she loved.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as light knocking caught my attention.

"Yes?" I called out, causing the door to slowly open.

Cersei walked in and closed the door behind her. I stood from my bed as she walked towards me, handing me my gauntlet. "You forgot this, earlier."

"Thank you." I replied, taking the gauntlet from her. "Did you know what they did to Ned's son and wife?" I asked as I placed the gauntlet on my wrist.

"Yes, but I didn't order it. I swear."

"Why should I believe you? For all I know, this could have been your way of harming Sansa, killing her brother, his wife, his unborn child, their mother...And in front of Ned. Why didn't you have him killed too? You wanted him to suffer as well?"

"Isabelle, I understand why you wouldn't believe me but I swear by the gods that I had nothing to do with it."

"Well someone ordered it, so who was it?"

"It was my father."

I sighed and slowly sat on my bed. "Why?" I asked with my head in my hands. "Why?"

"I don't know." Cersei replied as she sat beside me. "I wish I did. I didn't want any of this. I just wanted my brother back, but he wasn't even with them when father devised this plan. Jaime was with Brienne."

"Brienne?" I asked confused. "Why was he with Brienne?"

"There was no need for Jaime to escape, they wanted Sansa in return but Jaime did not know of this until Brienne had found him..But then..They were taken by Bolton soldiers. Jaime being the nobleman that he is, protected Brienne."

"Protected her? She is the greatest fighter I have ever know, she does not need protecting."

Cersei had a serious look on her face, which made me worry...Had Brienne been stupid and let her guard down, was she hurt? Was she dead?

"Jaime tells me, she was to be raped."

"What?" I asked, my voice coming out as a whisper. "Is she alright?"

"Yes, yes she's fine..Jaime on the other hand..." Cersei paused and placed her head in her hands. "That was a poor choice of words."

"What do you mean?"

"Jaime lost a hand while protecting her. Those bastards cut his hand off."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This didn't seem real. I felt sick. A strong, tough woman like Brienne almost being violated in the worst way...It was a hard thing to imagine. I placed my hand over my mouth, feeling the inside of my mouth turn warm.

"Don't think about it. Here." Cersei reached towards my bedside table and grabbed my flask. "I assume this is water?" She said trying to lighten the mood as she handed me my flask. I nodded my head and took a few sips. "Take a deep breath, she's fine. Apart from being attacked by a bear."

"A bear?!"

"Don't worry, Jaime told me it was a few cuts, bruises, maybe a big gash or two."

"Why are you saying it like that? Like it's not a huge thing?"

"Isabelle, you have known Brienne almost all of your life, you know as well as I do that she's a tough woman and nothing can kill her. So of course, it's not a huge thing. If she was more prepared, I know for a fact, she would've killed that bear with her bare hands."

"You're right."

A silence fell between us, I took this time to study Cersei's face. Her lip was slightly swollen, there was slight bruising on her face but the red mark had gone.

"It's not polite to stare, I'm not sure Sansa would appreciate you staring."

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry." Cersei sighed. "I'm a messed up person, I know. I talk about how it's not fair that I  can't be with the one  I love yet, I'm preventing you from being with the one you love. I'm sorry that I killed Eden, I'm sorry that I made threats to harm Sansa even if it wasn't by my hand, I'm sorry for forcing you to do things you didn't want to do."


"Hush, I haven't finished." Cersei said placing her finger over my lips. "All I ever wanted was to feel love. Pure, love. I felt that with you, but I don't want this love, not like this. If you are ever to love me, I want it to be because you love me. Not because I forced you, even if you are just pretending." Cersei grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers. "Isabelle, I love you. I truly do and for that, I'm letting you be with Sansa, you're my love, not my prisoner. It's only right I treat you as such. I hate the things I've done, I don't want to be this way."

"It's never too late to change. There's always time to redeem yourself. Nobody is gone, until they're gone."

"Can you ever forgive me for the things I've done?"

"Not right now, but in time, I'm sure I can."

"All I ask is for that chance."

I wrapped my arms around Cersei, surprising her with a hug. She hugged me back, and I smiled. This felt nice. It felt like how things were before.

"I have a surprise for you." She said once the hug ended. "Come." She stood up and I did the same. She led me out of my room and we walked through the castle. "Jaime returned late last night but he didn't arrive alone."

We walked out of the castle and towards the training ground. I looked around, watching the men train, but then my eyes landed on the one person I didn't expect to see...But maybe I should have, given what Cersei told me.

"Brienne." I called out.

She turned around, quickly. Our eyes met and a huge smile spread across her face. "Isabelle."

I ran towards her and jumped into her arms. She caught me and held me tightly as we hugged. Tears just fell freely from my eyes, I had missed her so much. "Ow ow." She laughed. "Steady on, still a little sore."

"I'm sorry." I replied as I wriggled free from her hold. "I've just missed you so much."

"And I've missed you." She replied. "Have you grown? I think you've grown." She asked standing back slightly to get a better look at me. "Something has changed but I can't quite put my finger on it."

"Well..There is something that I need to talk to you about."

By something, I mean a lot and I know for a fact that I would be lectured on most of it, she wouldn't be as calm like Margaery would be...But I was okay with that, I know with Brienne it comes from a place of love and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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