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Isabelle's POV

The next morning, I just felt numb. Over and over I replayed Margaery and I's last words in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about it, she promised we'd see each other, she said it wasn't good bye...We might not have known it then but it was good bye. Part of me wishes that I hadn't left. Maybe I could have saved her...We could have left together, we could be a family, we could have gotten Sansa back, as a family.

I bit my knuckle, not wanting to cry anymore, it was still early so people were sleeping and I didn't want to wake them, I needed to distract myself so I decided to take a walk outside. I walked down the long, winding paths, listening to the sound of the water crashing to the shore, the birds above me singing their morning song. Not many people were awake but the ones that were, gave me smiles, some knowing what happened, others just being polite.

I soon ended up in front of the water again, I sat down and brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, squeezing tightly. I watched the waves, there was just something about them, that was just so relaxing. I released my legs and moved so my legs were crossed. I looked down beside me to see a small sized piece of wood. I grabbed it between my fingers  and just started drawing random patterns in the sand...Until I realised how sharp the end was.

I brought the wood to my wrist and dug in deep, wincing slightly at the pain. I began to cut deep into my wrist, creating a small rose shape. I used my hand to wipe the blood away, hissing at the singing sensation.


I jumped slightly but turned around to see Greyworm stood near me.

"What?" I asked as I stood up, brushing the sand off of my body.

He didn't answer, he just stared at me.

"What do you want?" I asked getting annoyed.

"I wanted to make sure that you were alright."

"I'm fine. Completely fine."

"It is alright, if you're not."

"Well I am." I said walking towards him. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Your mo-"

"Is dead. Nothing can change that, she's gone. She's never coming back so why should I sit and be upset. Sure, I was upset last night but I'm over it now."

"You do not have to be over it. You loved her, even in death that love never goes away."

I looked down, knowing he was right. "Why did it have to be her?" I asked looking up at him as tears began to fill my eyes again. "She didn't deserve to die."

"Life works in strangest ways. It takes away important things but it make us strong, you are weak now but you will be strong, you will find Sansa, you will become stronger. Everything happens for a reason, the sadness that you feel, turn it into strength and determination to get Sansa and protect her." I was taken by surprise as Greyworm pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly. "Many brothers I have lost but a sister I have gained."

I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him back. Feeling some sort of comfort, I knew in this moment, that I would miss him the most.

- - -

I was stood at the docks, next to Yara as her men prepared the boat. I looked around, taking in the world around me.

"I do hope that you find Sansa." Daenerys said as she took my hand. "Protect her, love her. I wish you the best life."

"I'm sure we will meet again."

"You are a great fighter and it would do me great honor if you were to fight alongside me again, one day."

"Of course." I said before being pulled into a hug. "I shall miss you, thank you for giving me a home for the last month."

"You're most welcome. You are welcome back any time."

I pulled away from the hug and looked towards Greyworm who was stood beside Missandei. I nodded my head at him and he nodded back.

"What about me, your Grace?" Yara asked gently pushing me out of the way. "Am I welcome back any time?"

Daenerys bit her lip as she tried not to smile. "I'll think about it."

"We're ready." One of Yara's men shouted from the boat.

Daenerys gave me one last hug and then I followed the rest of Yara's men to the boat. Once I was on the boat, I turned around and looked down at Daenerys. I was not surprised to see Yara was hugging her...But by the look on Daenerys's face...Yara was doing more than just hugging her.

Soon the hug ended and Yara joined us on the boat. I waved to Daenerys and the others as the boat slowly began to sail away.

I clutched my necklace with my other hand, feeling a little happiness enter my broken heart...Time to get Sansa back

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