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Isabelle's POV

I had made a plan to leave during the night, I knew if Cersei saw me or found out I was trying to leave she'd have me thrown back in the cells and I couldn't have that. I needed to find whoever this Daenerys Targaryen woman was so she could help me find Sansa.

"Ser Isabelle, may I have a word with you?"

I turned around to see Varys stood behind me. I nodded my head and he walked closer. I turned back around and looked out towards the garden as he began to speak in a hushed tone.

"Margaery tells me that you're going out on a search for the Mother of Dragons."

"Sorry, Mother of what?" Did I hear him right?

Varys chuckled. "You have never heard of Daenerys Targaryen have you?"

I shook my head. "I only know that she knows Margaery and apparently she's a mother to dragons."

"She is indeed, now, I have spoken to Margaery and we both think it's best if you leave as soon as the moon rises in the sky. Under the cover of the night, you will be hard to detect."

"That was my plan anyway."

"Good, good. Prepare yourself, the journey to Essos will be long, but it will be worth it because if the things that I have heard about Daenerys are true then she will help. In any circumstance such as your own, she is apparently known to help."

"What if she doesn't?"

Varys placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a sympathetic look. "Then I wish you the best of luck in finding Sansa by yourself."

Without another word, Varys walked away leaving me alone. I began to worry, what if this Daenerys woman didn't help me...What if she was also aligned with the Lannisters? What if I never find Sansa?

I ran a hand down my face, gently digging my nails into my skin as I became frustrated with my over thinking. I turned my head to look out of a nearby window, I prayed that night would come quickly, I needed to get out of here.

- - -


I was covered in a dark cloak, as Varys led me towards the harbor. I was nervous as we passed a few people but nobody seemed to recognise me. I was extremely nervous, I can't recall the last time I had traveled by boat, yet I was also excited.

Once we reached the harbor, I saw two figures with cloaks covering their body. As we got closer, I saw one of them was Margaery.

"What are you doing here?" I asked lowering the hood on my cloak.

"Do you really think I would let you leave without saying good bye? I know you may not look at me as a mother and I know you may resent me, even if just slightly, but you're still my daughter and I love you. If anything bad were to happen to me while you're away...I want our final moment together be somewhat pleasant."

"Nothing will happen to you, alright? Here." I reached into the small satchel I had around my body and pulled out Snowy. "He will protect you and knowing you, you will want to return him to me, so give me a reason to come back and find you safe. I know that if anyone else was to have him, he would be given away, burned or just thrown in the mud, you will take care of him."

Margaery took Snowy from me and held it close to her chest. "I worry that you won't make it back safely."

"Snowy will protect us both." I said with a small smile. "He gives me a reason to come back and a reason for you to stay safe and fight if you need be. If you are in any danger you fight and you fight until you can't anymore and you run if need be. Running is never a sign of retreating and giving up, running is keeping yourself safe so you can continue to fight. I apologise for how I was with you earlier but I hope you understand why I acted that way."

"I do. I truly do and you don't ever have to apologise for it." Margaery said as she placed her hand on my cheek. "I may not have been honest with you but I still got to raise you partially, I still got to see you grow up into this wonderful, beautiful and brave young woman. I couldn't be prouder. I love you."

I was trying so hard not to cry but it was hard. "I love you too...Mother."

Margaery pulled me in for a hug and I held her tightly. This hug felt different to the hundreds of other ones that we shared over the years, this one was more loving, it had more warmth to it. This was what hugging your mother felt like. I felt safe in her arms. I felt loved in her arms.

"You come back safe to me, alright?" Margaery asked pulling away from the hug. "Promise me that you will come back to me."

"I promise." I said sniffling slightly. "Promise me that you'll still be here waiting for me?"

"I promise."

"Goodbye." I said giving her one last hug but she pulled me back.

"This is not goodbye. Goodbyes are forever, this isn't forever. It may be months or maybe even a year, but it is not forever. We will see each other again, soon."

Margaery released me and I followed Varys onto the small boat. So many knots in my stomach began to form as the boat was untied and we slowly began to sail along the water. I waved at Margaery and she waved at me, clutching Snowy with one hand close to her chest.

I watched the city of King's Landing slowly pass by, I looked up at the huge castle, and I swore I could have seen the distant shadow of someone watching through one of the windows.

I held on tightly to the edge of the boat as I closed my eyes, feeling the slight breeze hit my face. This was my first solo adventure...I always planned on adventuring with Brienne and even Sansa and I discussed it.

I snapped my eyes open...Brienne...I didn't say goodbye to her. I began to cry harder, realising it was too late to turn around and say goodbye.

Through blurry eyes, I managed to see the dark shadow of someone riding a horse, attempting to catch up to the boat. I rubbed my eyes, wiping the tears away. I couldn't make out who it was...But just as we turned a corner, I realised it was Brienne.

I ran to the back of the boat, almost falling over the edge as I ran into the back full speed.

Brienne was unable to ride any further but she raised her arm, waving to me. I waved back, feeling some sort of relief that I managed to see her in some way before leaving. I remained at the back of the boat, keeping my eyes on Brienne until she became nothing but merely a distant dot.

I turned back around and walked to the front of the boat. I rested my hands on the wooden rail, no longer crying, no longer feeling sad, I was feeling excited, feeling determined.

I clutched the necklace Sansa had made for me tightly, I'll find you Sansa. I'm coming for you.

Her Knight - Sansa Stark FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now