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Isabelle's POV

I stood inside of the Great Pyramid, feeling slightly uncomfortable as everyone seemed to be staring at me. Daenerys was sat on the throne in front of me, Jorah and the man I believe was called Daario, stood either side of her.

"Please, explain in full detail your business here." Daenerys eventually spoke after staring at me for what seemed like an eternity.

"On King Joffrey's wedding day, he was poisoned. I am led to believe Sansa Stark and I were in danger, for we were both led away to a boat..However, I didn't make it, one of the Lannister guards caught me and brought me back. I was falsely accused and falsely imprisoned for the death of Joffrey. I was freed and I have made it my quest to find Sansa, I don't know where she is but Margaery Tyrell, my mother, told me that if I found you, that you would help me."

"Why would Queen Daenerys help you?" Daario asked.

"I'm not entirely sure." I said honestly. "Why would you help me?"

"You said that you were looking for your fiance, is that correct?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, Sansa Stark is my fiance."

"How do we know this is the truth?" Daario asked, stepping forward. "How do we know, that she isn't a spy?"

"I'm no spy, you can trust me." I looked behind Daario, looking straight at Daenerys. "Please, believe me."

Daenerys stood up and walked towards Daario and I. She gently moved Daario out of the way. She grabbed my hands and stared into my eyes, making me feel even more uncomfortable than I already was.

"I believe you." She finally said. "I see in your eyes that you are truthful. Along with the fact, that I was handed this." She held her hand out and the woman from before handed her a scroll. "A letter from Lord Varys, telling me exactly the same thing you have just told me."

"Why did you ask me to tell you then?" I asked confused.

"I needed to make sure, that you were the real Isabelle. You may have been a spy or an assassin, impersonating her." Daenerys turned around and walked back to the throne. "I will help you. I will send a letter out to trusted people and I will send some men out...But I want you to do something for me, in exchange for helping you."

"And what is that?"

"Bend the knee."


"Show your loyalty to me and I will show my loyalty to you."

Brienne had told me once what bending the knee meant and I wasn't going to bend it just for anyone. I don't care that I needed Daenerys's help. I had only just met her, she didn't deserve this from me...But if I refused she may not help me.

"In all honesty, I do not feel comfortable, bending the knee to someone I have just met and I'm not willing to give something like this to someone I'm unsure deserves it. However, when we find Sansa and I know that she is safe...I will bend the knee, but for now I will fight for you and with you. I will do whatever you want. I will show you my loyalty in other ways than just bending the knee."

My heart began to pound slightly as she remained silent but I soon let out a quiet sigh of relief when I saw her nod her head. "I may be the rightful Queen...But I do understand. I will help you find Lady Stark and then you will bend the knee."

"Thank you, thank you so much."

Suddenly, the whole pyramid began to shake, Daenerys's men ran outside, as did Jorah and Daario.

"Can you fight?" Daenerys asked as she stood up from her throne and quickly walked towards me.

"I have a sword don't I?" I asked as I unsheathed me sword.

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