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Isabelle's POV

It was late evening when Sansa and I returned to the castle. We stood outside of her room and I couldn't stop staring at her, she was beautiful. She was mine. I was happy, finally. We were holding hands but I was holding hers tightly, not wanting to let go, but I knew at some point that I would have to.

We couldn't publicly be together, not yet at least, but I knew some day we would be.

She tried to say good night but I kept saying things to keep her talking to me...I just didn't want the day to end.


"I know." I sighed. I looked around and when I saw nobody around, I quickly moved forward and kissed Sansa. I had to pull away before the kiss got too heated. "I love you." I whispered.

"And I love you." She whispered back with a smile. "Good night."

"Good night."

I moved back and she closed the door slowly. When the door the closed, I couldn't help but let out a small squeal. I had never made such a noise in my entire life.

"What on Earth was that?" Sansa said opening the door again, giving me a strange look.

"Honestly, I have no idea." I laughed.

Sansa laughed too. "Good night, again."

"Good night."

She closed the door and I turned around and headed for my room. As I walked to my room, I couldn't help but feel so joyous. I had never felt so happy in my entire life, it's strange how love could make you feel such a way.  My happiness soon started to fade, instead I started to feel uneasy, it was like someone was watching me. I looked around, seeing nobody near me. I looked behind me, still not seeing anyone.

When I turned back around, a sack was placed over my head. Strong arms wrapped around me, dragging me some place, I tried to fight back against whoever had taken me but I was far too weak compared to them.

"Hold her." A deep voice said that I didn't recognise.

Two sets of hands grabbed me by the ankle and arms, I could feel my armor removed and it was confirmed when I heard the loud clanking of it being thrown to the ground. Then the hands were removed, I went to remove the sack but a hard punch connected with my stomach. I struggled to breathe as I fell to my knees. Punches and kicks were all I felt over my entire body.

I tried to curl up into a ball to protect myself but I was brought back to my feet.

I was held as punches rained upon my face. I could feel blood flooding my mouth, I spat it out weakly, causing it to just dribble from my lips and down to my chin.

Whoever was holding me, released me and I fell to the ground. I heard footsteps moving quickly, then nothing. It was silent for a while until much lighter footsteps began to get closer. I prepared myself for another beating, instead the sack was removed and I saw Tyrion standing above me.

"Fucking hell."

I weakly got to my feet, Tyrion steadying me as I wobbled slightly. I looked around the room to see I was in my own room. I had been taken to my room to be beaten up.

"Did..Did you see who did it?" I asked, spitting more blood out.

"I..I did."

"Who?" I asked as I fell to my knees as I walked towards my sword that was on the floor beside my armor.  "Fucking tell me who!" I demanded as I stood back up, grabbing my sword and unsheathing it.

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