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Isabelle's POV

When we arrived in Meereen, my emotions changed. I no longer felt angry, I no longer felt hurt instead I felt happy. I grabbed Sansa's hand and led her and the others to where Daenerys would be. The Unsullied that we passed along the way nodded their heads at me and greeted me in their language.

We walked up the path leading towards the Great Pyramid, I turned my head to look at Sansa and my heart melted at the look on her face, she was looking around in utter awe and I couldn't blame her. The sight of the water and the way the setting sun's reflection danced across the low waves was beautiful.

I let out a laugh as Sansa jumped, as did the men, for Daenerys's dragons flew above us. I really had missed those magnificent beauties.

We walked into the Great Pyramid and I was surprised at who was stood inside, talking to Jorah and Daario.

"Seven hells."

I released Sansa's hand and ran towards Tyrion and knelt down, wrapping my arms around him in a hug.

"How are you here?" I asked pulling away from the hug, looking him up and down, taking in how much he had changed.

"Jaime helped me and Varys brought me here...What are you doing here?"

"I need to speak to Daenerys. Is she around?" I asked standing up and looking around the room, I walked to where her bedroom was and knocked lightly before opening the door. "Daenerys?"

"I wouldn't go in there." Tyrion warned but it was too late.

I walked inside only to quickly cover my eyes. "I am so sorry."

"Ser Isabelle, what a lovely surprise."

"Mmmhmm.." I hummed earning a small laugh.

"You may open your eyes."

I slowly opened them to see Daenerys still laid on the bed whilst Yara finished pulling her vest over her head.

"I would hit you if I didn't like you so much." Yara said as she walked towards me and pulled me in for a hug. "It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too."

Yara pulled away from the hug and walked back towards the bed and sat down. She slowly rubbed Daenerys bare leg as she looked at me. "So, what's the matter?"

"I would rather talk to you out there..Not in your little sex chamber."

"This is no sex chamber my dear friend." Yara said standing up. "Only the most passionate of love making occurs in this room."

"I...I really didn't want to know that."

"I know you did." Yara said as she walked out of the room, followed by Daenerys who only had to pull the top half of dress over her breasts.

I followed them out and judging by the looks on their face, they were rather confused to see my men and my wife.

"Are you declaring war on me?" Daenerys asked as she sat on her throne.

"No, your Grace." I said with a small laugh. "However, I do come asking for your help...There is great danger beyond the wall that protects Westeros. It's coming and it's coming fast. The men back at my home, it's not enough, we need you. We need as many fighters as we can possibly gather." Daenerys had a look of thought on her face and I knew I had to continue to try and convince her to help. "The last time I was here, I said that if you helped me find Sansa that I would bend the knee when we met again." I slowly knelt down, causing Daenerys to sit up. "I bend the knee, to you my Queen. If you help me, I will help you. The plan is to defeat these monsters that want to harm us and then we are to take King's Landing...Which is where you belong. You are the rightful heir to the throne and it would be an honor to serve under you and help you sit on that throne and rule the Seven Kingdoms."

"Very well." Daenerys said, causing my heart to miss a beat. "I will help and in return you are to help me get the throne. Is that correct?"

"Yes." I nodded my head and stood up slowly.


"Have you asked for my sister's help?" Tyrion asked and my anger returned slightly.

"Yes. I will not accept her help, however."

"Why?" Sansa asked.

I turned around slightly. "I have let my anger and hurt get the best of me. I despise her and I do not want that cunts help."


"No." I said raising my voice slightly. "We will be fine without her. We are strong, we are tough, we have the strength inside to fight hard. We do not need that scum."

"You told me father to look past his anger and bitterness. We need you to do the same." Sansa said as she gently placed her hand on my back. "Please."

"I will have no part in negotiations."

"Then allow me." Tyrion spoke up. "She may hate me...But I feel like I am the only one capable of convincing her to help...But knowing my sister...She will need proof that things are as extreme as you say."

"I think I know what to do. Allow me to write a letter to Jon."

"Very well." I nodded my head. "Tyrion, write a letter for your sister, like I said, I'm having no part in this."

Tyrion nodded his head and whilst both he and Sansa got busy with writing letters, I walked out of the Great Pyramid, needing some air. Thinking about Cersei and talking about her just made me angry again.

I closed my eyes and placed my hands on top of the wall in front of me, listening to the waves, listening to the dragons as they played with each other above me.

"Isabelle...It is you?"

I turned around and saw Greyworm stood there, looking me up and down, making sure it's me.

"Greyworm." I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him, giving him the biggest hug I possibly could.

"I have missed you." He said hugging me back. "Much to tell you, about Missandei and me."

"I can't wait to hear it."

It was funny, how one minute you're angry but then you see someone, you hug someone, you talk to them and your whole mood changes...It's happened with Sansa, with Margaery, with Tyrion, with Daenerys and now Greyworm...And I just knew what that was.

The power of family.

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