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Isabelle's POV

It was the next morning and I was the first to be awake. I just laid there, my hands behind my head, looking up at the ceiling, but this time, I wasn't ashamed, I wasn't worried. I wasn't shocked...I was just, content. Something about me felt different. I didn't know what it was but I felt different.

I thought about losing Sansa as a friend and losing the job of protecting her, I didn't even feel sad about that. I felt nothing. Any butterflies that I could consistently get in my stomach, gone. It was like I was numb to any feelings. Except the feeling of lust, clearly.

Cersei stirred beside me and I turned to look at her, she rolled over so she was facing me but she was still asleep. She was very beautiful and amazing in bed...But even the butterflies I felt towards her were gone too.

Shouting outside caught my attention and so I carefully got out of bed and made my way to the window. Looking outside, being careful as not to get caught, I saw a few men packing up their things into carts and wagons...I saw Brienne, looking around.

Then I remembered, she was leaving.

I quickly ran to my clothes that were scattered on the floor and dressed as quickly as possible before leaving my  room.

A few guards swore at me as I ran by them but I had to get to Brienne, I had to say goodbye. I prayed over and over in my head that she would still be there.

I turned a corner but I bumped into someone, almost sending them to the ground. I noticed it was Sansa and she went to apologise until she realised it was me. I was the one to say sorry rather quickly then carried on running.

I raced down the steps, almost slipping near the bottom but I managed to regain my balance and continued to run.

I ran and I ran, I was so close.

I burst through the courtyard and my heart dropped as I saw the carts and wagons making their way down the long path.

I ran after them, only realising that I had forgotten to put my shoes on when I felt the sticky mud underneath my feet.

I saw Brienne sat in the back, her head down.

"Brienne!" I shouted, finding the strength and energy inside of me to run even faster.

Brienne looked up and the wagon came to a slow stop as she stood up. She jumped down from the wagon and took a few steps to me before I crashed into her, holding her tightly.

She squeezed me tightly, something she's never done before. "I was so sad when I didn't see you. I thought you hated me." She said pulling away from the hug, but moving her hands on to my shoulders.

"I could never hate you. You're like a Mother to me." I said feeling my eyes fill with tears. "I'm so sorry for how I was with you, yesterday. I just don't want you to leave me."

I could see Brienne's eyes start to shine, she was about to cry too. "I will never leave you. Ever. I may not be with you physically but I'll always be in your heart and you will be in mine. It's not forever, someday we'll see each other again. I promise." Brienne wiped my cheeks and smiled at me. "I know I don't say this often...But Isabelle, I am so proud of you. I love you."

"I love you too." I said lunging forward, hugging her once more. "Please, don't leave me. I need you."

"I wish I could stay." She sighed.

Our hug soon came to an end and I watched with a heavy heart as Brienne climbed back into the wagon and rode away with some of the other fighting men.

"Tell Margaery, I miss her." I shouted and Brienne just smiled and nodded her head.

I turned around and saw Jaime stood there, he looked down at my feet, a look of disgust on his face. "Come, let's get you cleaned up."

- - -

I had just been bathed and now I was in the process of getting dressed but the door burst open and both Jaime along with Cersei walked in.

"What is it with you Lannisters and not knocking?" I said as I quickly pulled my vest down to try and hide my private area from Jaime.

"Apologies, but Cersei wanted me to present you with this."  Jaime said as he placed a rather large box on my bed. "Now that you're a knight, you can not wear those rags."

He pulled out black leather trousers, a red leather vest and a white cotton shirt to go underneath.

"Now hurry and get dressed." Cersei spoke. "For there is another surprise waiting for you."

When Jaime and Cersei left the room, I removed my old vest and began to get dressed in my new clothes. I won't lie, I was close to being in tears. I was happy...But little did I know, that I was about to become even happier.

The surprise was, Cersei had arranged for me to get fitted into my armour and mine was special because Cersei had a violet engraved on to the chest plate.

"It's our flower now." She laughed lightly as she traced the violet on my chest plate. "How do you like your armour?" She asked as she turned me around so I could look at myself in the mirror.

It was rather strange to see myself in true armour and not the leather one that Brienne would sometimes make me wear in training. It was also strange for me to be wearing Lannister colours...I never thought I would wear these colours.

"I feel like I'm a true knight."

"You are. Even if other people do not see you as such...To me, you will always be a knight."

I heard the door close and I was taken by surprise when Cersei pulled me in and kissed my lips. I kissed back but I wasn't too disappointed when she pulled away and broke the kiss.

However, it was a good job she did for Joffrey soon burst through the room, demanding I head to his room for some business...And I knew what he wanted...And I knew that I just had to take it, because even if Sansa didn't want to be friends anymore, I would still protect her. especially from that vile boy.

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