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Plans were put into motion to set up defenses against the White Walkers, not everyone would travel to the North, some would stay and protect Meereen until a later time, some traveled to Dragonstone. Isabelle and Sansa would travel with some men back to the North to help fortify Winterfell while half of the men that traveled with them would go to Castle Black.


Isabelle turned around after she finished handing a small crate to one of the men who was putting supplies on their boat.

"Are you alright?" Isabelle asked worried as she noticed Greyworm looking like he was about to be sick, he looked terrified, she had never seen him look this way before.

Greyworm shook his head no. "I have bad feeling inside of me...Something does not feel right."

"What do you mean?" Isabelle, replied confused.

"Something is telling me...Something bad is about to happen."

"Hey." Isabelle said gently as she placed her hands on Greyworm's arms. "You're probably scared about the White Walkers and that is perfectly fine. It's okay to be scared."

Greyworm shook his head. "No, no. It is not that...Please take Missandei with you, I trust you to protect her. Please, I beg. I beg." Greyworm pleaded, Isabelle's heart hurt, she had never seen so much worry and fear in his eyes, the way his voice wobbled slightly, she knew he was truly worried.

"Alright." She nodded her head. "Alright, she can come with us." She pulled Greyworm in for a hug and gave him a gentle squeeze. "Everything will be alright, I promise."

Greyworm pulled away from the hug and averted his eyes downward. "Thank you."

He turned around and walked away, Isabelle watched as Greyworm walked towards Missandei and pointed to the boat as they spoke. Missandei reached for Greyworm but he backed away slightly. Missandei looked down but Greyworm wrapped his arms around her. Isabelle smiled at their small moment until her attention was taken by Sansa.

"He isn't the only one with a bad feeling."

Isabelle turned around to look at her wife. "I don't understand."

"I feel like Cersei has something planned...The way she just left quietly after what you said...It doesn't feel right. I see the love in her eyes for you and I don't believe she would let you go so easily..."

"Yes well...Your fear is probably due to the White Walkers but you think it's something to do with Cersei." Isabelle knelt down and focused on checking on the side of the boat, making sure it was safe. "She's not all bad."

"She's been in a relationship with her brother, she tried to stop you and I from seeing each other, she had you imprisoned for something you didn't do, she tried to kill your mother, while doing so she killed innocent people. She had my father imprisoned, had him humiliated and beaten, she is partly the reason why my mother and brother are dead...But of course, she isn't all bad."

"I know she has done some fucked up things...But she can be sweet and kind sometimes." Isabelle looked up at her wife, who looked down at her angry. "When you were throwing yourself at Joffrey, leaving me for him, she was there for me, she was kind, she had me knighted...She made me feel wanted."

"So it's my fault she is the way she is because I took you away from her?"

"I never said anything of the sort, I never blamed you for the things she did and I never will. That is all on her. I don't know her mind, I don't know what she thinks when she does the things she does....I just..I think she needs some real love in her life, her brother left her, I left her, she just wants someone to love and not leave her because it appears that's all she's ever known. Her father didn't love her. Nobody has ever really loved her...Except for me, sort of."

Her Knight - Sansa Stark FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz