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Isabelle's POV

It had become late evening fairly quickly, everyone had eaten, now everyone was resting. Preparing for the long journey ahead tomorrow. I honestly didn't know much about why we were here and why we were escorting The Starks to some place. Brienne didn't tell me much, to be quite honest she never told me much to do with anything like this. She said it was for her and the others to worry about and I should just focus on my training.

Why did she even bring me here? I'm no knight. I'm no fighting man...Fighting woman. I'm just...Some person she has to take care of, but I was fine in the previous place I had been living in for the past fourteen years..High Garden, where Brienne served Renly Baratheon.

In the fourteen years I spent with her there, Renly was the only man to show respect and kindness to her. Part of me thought they would be together, although I knew that was impossible...But part of me still had hope. I just thought Brienne deserved happiness and I could see it in her eyes that she was most happy when she was around him. However, it wasn't meant to be for he was already married. Thankfully, the woman he was married to was a kind, sweet woman.

Margaery Tyrell.

As a child, she would take over the duties of taking care of me when Brienne could not. She would read to me, play games with me, we would go on walks in the beautiful gardens within the castle walls..We would sit on the grass and she would tell me stories about princess, princes, lords, ladies, knights and dragons...She would always name the main character after me. If I closed my eyes it was like I was living the stories she'd be telling..And then I would fall asleep. I would wake up in my bed with her beside me, humming softly. She would hold me in the night if I had a nightmare, she would stay until the morning. Renly didn't mind. He encouraged it. She was like a Mother to me. If I was to have a Mother, that was alive, I hoped she would've been like Margaery..I wish my Mother was Margaery...

I sighed as tears filled my eyes, I hated thinking about my Mother, wondering what she was like. It made me think of Father...It was painful because I was beginning to forget his voice, forget his face, forget the warmth of his hugs. The way they made me feel so protected.

"Miss Isabelle."

I wiped my eyes and used my arms to prop myself up on the blanket I was laying on. In front of me stood a young girl I could barely recognize in the darkness. The only source of light was a few lanterns and the small candle she was holding.

"Please, follow me. It's urgent."

"What's the matter?" I asked slowly standing up, grabbing my sword as I did so.

"It's my sister, Sansa. She asked for you."

"Lady Arya?" I asked walking closer.

"Ew, don't call me that. Just call me Arya. Now please, come with me."

I turned to look behind me to see Brienne and the others were still asleep so I carefully and quietly followed Arya into the castle.

"Why did she send you?" I asked rather confused.

"Because she would get into trouble if she was caught and if she was to send someone, you could also possibly get into trouble. However, I'm a sneaky little thing and I can get in and out quietly." I turned my head to look at Arya and she looked at me. "My brother, Bran and I, we sneak out of the castle at night every so often."

"You know that's dangerous."

"I know." She replied. "That's why we used to do it." She grinned.

"Used to?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Did you eventually get caught?"

"Of course not." Arya said rather appalled. "Bran...He had an accident. He..He fell from a window...He's...He's not dead but...He'll be resting for a long time." She said sadly.

"I'm sorry." I said looking down.

We continued to sneak through the castle in silence. Arya gently grabbed my wrist and we walked up some steps before we reached the top. She led me down a corridor until we reached a door. She gently knocked twice before opening the door slightly.

"Sansa?" She whispered.

"Come in." I heard Sansa reply quietly.

Arya looked at me and then walked into Sansa's room, pulling me with her. She placed the candle down on a table before she walked over to Sansa and handed her something before she turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her quietly as she did so, leaving Sansa and I alone.

I stood up straight and loosened the grip on my sword. Sansa moved so she was sitting on her bed and I just watched her, waiting for any orders she would give me.

"Come." I walked closer to the bed and she patted the spot next to her. "Lay with me a while."

I once again did as she said, I rested my sword against the wall and carefully removed my boots before laying on the bed beside her. We just layed there in silence for a few moments before she spoke.

"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. I was wrong  to do so."

"No, I should apologise. We're no longer children, I cannot just do something like that. We both have jobs to do now. Both have responsibilities."

"I made a promise. You made a promise."

"We were just children." I said turning my head to look at her. "The promises we made then, mean nothing now."

"You're wrong. They mean something to me and I know they mean something to you. I saw the look in your eyes when I refused your hug." Sansa moved closer to me and grabbed my hand. "Please, don't take this off again."

I opened my hand to see she had handed me the necklace she had made for me when we were children, this must have been what Arya handed to her. I looked back up at her to see she was holding the moon charm on her necklace, she also continued to wear the one I made her. "And don't you dare leave me again."

"I won't." I said gripping the necklace tightly. "I swear."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me. I closed my eyes as I hugged her back, giving her a gentle squeeze. "I believe you also promised me something else."

"And what is that m'lady?" I asked pulling away from the hug.

"You promised to be my knight."

I chuckled nervously and looked down. "I am no knight."

"You are. You are my knight. You promised. You promised that when you came back you'd be my knight. So, will you be my knight?"

"It doesn't work like that and you know it."

Sansa opened my hand and took the necklace from me. She gestured for me to turn around and I did so. She wrapped the necklace around my neck and tied it into a secure knot. "We make it work our way. Isabelle Bennett, with this necklace, I now declare you my knight. You are to serve and protect me. You are to never leave my side. From now and until forever, you are my protector."

I placed my hand over the star charm and turned back around to look at Sansa. She took my hands and held them tightly. "It may not be strictly official, however it is to me. When you have completed your training, I shall make it my duty to make you an official knight. Until then, anyone who has anything to say about you being my knight, will have to answer to me, because you are my knight. No matter what anyone else says."

I looked down and Sansa gently placed her finger under my chin and made me look at her. "If that is alright with you, of course."

I didn't even have to think about it. I nodded my head and smiled. "I happily accept the role of being your knight."

Her Knight - Sansa Stark FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now