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Isabelle's POV

The journey was longer than we wanted it to be, the weather was colder, the weather was harsher but we eventually made it to King's Landing. The men that had come with Sansa and I, we went in different directions, Sansa leaving with them, they would be waiting for me on the boat that would be traveling to Meereen. We had to keep Sansa hidden away because Cersei would more than likely want her dead.

A few familiar faces welcomed me, they smiled warmly, others looked at me like I had beaten their children. Some didn't even bother to look at me. I reached the castle and the guards just allowed me in, the further I walked into the castle, the more my heart began to pound, the more the palms of my hand began to sweat. I didn't know whether I was just nervous or scared...Maybe a mixture of both.

I reached the only room I could think of where Cersei would be and I knocked.

"Come in." I faintly heard her say.

I slowly opened the door and walked inside. I closed the door behind me quietly and walked towards her. She had her back to me for she was sat at a small table. The first thing that I noticed was her hair was short, really short.

"You cut your hair."

The goblet in her hand fell to the ground as she gasped and turned around in her seat quickly. She stood up and walked towards me, her hands cupping my face, her eyes roaming my body.

"Isabelle, is it really you?"

"Yes, your Grace."

"What are you doing here?"

"I am in need of your help."

"What with?" She replied as she sat back down.

"There is danger beyond the wall and it's coming. We don't have enough men, we need you and we need your men to help. Whatever happened in the past needs to be forgotten, even if it's just for a little while. There are greater things to deal with."

Cersei smiled and gestured to the goblet on the floor. I knelt down and picked it up, handing it back to her. She used her thumb to stroke my cheek before she took the goblet from me. "The wall is strong, nothing will get past it, my dear."

I went to stand back up but Cersei gently pushed me down. "You didn't just come for that, did you?"

I nodded my head and placed my hand on the table for balance, as I stood up I saw Cersei turn her attention to my hand.

"You're married...?" She said both hurt and disappointed.


She clenched her jaw and I lowered my head, awaiting whatever punishment she had planned due to me simply being happy and in love.

"Congratulations." She said, taking me by surprise. "I hope Lady Sansa makes you very happy."

"She does, your Grace."

Cersei stood up from her seat and led me towards the balcony where we used to spend time together. We sat down, just watching the city below us, bringing back some happy memories...But then I saw the Sept...Still be fixed and so much anger began to boil inside of me but I had to try and remain calm.

"Did I make you happy?" Cersei asked, causing me to snap my head to look at her, she was just staring out towards the city.

"At the beginning, you did."

"Did you love me? Like I loved you?" She asked turning her head to look at me.

"At that moment, there were times I thought I did...But I think it was just lust but I did have feelings for you, but overall it was lust."

Cersei let out a quiet sigh. "I just wanted someone to love me for I was losing Jaime..."

"I'm sorry?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Jaime?"

"You didn't know?" She laughed. "You didn't even hear the rumors about me?"

"All I know is you fucked your cousin and you tried to kill my mother." I said getting even angrier. "Now tell me, what does Jaime have to do with this?"

"He has been my lover for many years."


"I love him, more than a brother."

I felt sick. I stood up and balanced myself on the stone rail in front of me. "You...You are in a relationship, with him?"

"Was. He is no longer here and if he dares come back, I'll have his cock cut off."

"You fucked him, while you were fucking me? Claiming you loved me?"

"No, well yes." Cersei said standing up. "But I did love you, I still do."

"Lies." I shouted, finally snapping. "How can you claim to have loved me, while you were fucking him, loving him while you were fucking me and telling me you loved me?"

"Why do you care, you are married."

"Because I feel violated, your Grace. I feel like I was used. A distraction, a way to make your lover, YOUR BROTHER, jealous! You tried to stop Sansa and I from being together, you sentenced a woman to death for even the thought of fucking me...But all the while you were fucking your brother...To top it off...You tried to have my mother killed." I shook my head and began to walk away but Cersei pulled me back.

"She's still alive?" Cersei gasped. "How...I...I'm sorry...My head wasn't in the right place...I..." I found it humorous how her face went white as a sheet at the realisation of my mother being alive but I was in a far more angry mood than to laugh at her.

"You're not sorry, you never are. You say you want to change and you hate being the way you are but yet...You keep going more and more extreme with how you deal with things. You will never change. No one is gone, until they are gone...But you're the exception. You are a cruel, vile woman. It is no wonder, your brother isn't here and doesn't love you. I thank the gods that Sansa had my heart for I had a lucky escape."

I could see the tears filling up in her eyes but I didn't care.

"A once beautiful, kind queen who had everything, now has nothing and she has nobody to blame but herself."

"Please...I'm sorry."

"It's just words, Cersei. Words that have no meaning."

I walked away once more but again, she stopped me. "Isabelle, don't leave me. I have nobody, I am afraid...Nobody seems to care about me and it scares me. If I am in danger...Nobody will help me...My children are dead...I...I.." She began to ramble on but I didn't care for this nonsense.

"The sad truth is, this is how you will die. Alone and afraid."

This time, I didn't let her stop me. I just continued to walk and walk. Tears rolled down my cheeks but I quickly wiped them away. How could I have been so stupid? To think that a Queen truly wanted me? I should have known there was more to it...But I was too blind to see.

"Everything alright?" One of the soldiers asked me once I finally reached the boat but I didn't respond, instead I just walked past him and tried to find Sansa.

"Isabelle." She said walking towards me.

I pulled her close and kissed her passionately, knowing if I spoke about what happened, I would cry again.

"Let's go." I shouted, breaking the kiss for just a moment. "I love you." I replied in a softer tone.

Sansa replied with an I love you too as I pulled her into my arms. I closed my eyes and let silent tears fall, I didn't want her to see me cry, I didn't want her to ask why...For I know she would either think I love Cersei or she would want to stop the boat and go kill the Queen...

"I don't know what happened between you, but I just want you to know, I love you Isabelle and I trust you."

I let out a shaky breath and squeezed Sansa tighter as more tears fell...This is not how I planned this trip going.

Her Knight - Sansa Stark FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang