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Isabelle's POV

To say that I was disappointed was an understatement, I was truly and utterly devastated. It wasn't Sansa, it was just a girl and a few men. I couldn't help but give her a hard stare...It wasn't her fault but it still pissed me off, but that was my own fault for getting my hopes up.

"State your name and your business here." Daenerys said from her place at her throne.

The woman stepped forward and stood up straight. "I am Yara Greyjoy. I come from the Iron Islands, in need of your help." She turned her attention to me. "Are you Ser Isabelle?" I nodded my head and Yara seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. "I have searched many days for you, you see, my brother Theon, he has been taken by Ramsay Bolton, he is his prisoner, his slave. He has been abused to the point he no longer sees me as his sister, he is afraid. He is not the man I used to know and that scares me."

"What does your brother have to do with me? I don't know him, we are not friends, we are not allies."

"That's where you're wrong." Yara replied walking closer, stopping only when two of the Unsullied stepped in front of her. "Theon isn't the only person Ramsay has. I heard that you are looking for Sansa Stark."

"Are you sure it's her?" I asked, not wanting to get my hopes up too soon again.

"I am. I saw her with my own eyes, heard her name with my own ears. Obviously."

I walked towards Yara and looked her up and down. "How do I know that you're not lying?"

"You don't and I'm not sure how I can make you trust me. All I can do is swear to you that I saw her, if you truly loved Sansa, you would take every bit of information that you receive seriously, whether it be true or not. I traveled all of this way for help, for I cannot take on Ramsay's men on my own. I don't have enough men, but I know that love and determination could be the strongest weapon of all. We will be helping each other. If I'm lying then you can kill me, I give you my word on that."

I held my hand out and Yara took it. I gripped her hand tightly and pulled her close. "If you ever question or doubt my love for Sansa again...I will snap your neck, I will cut your brother's cock off and feed it to the pigs."

Yara chuckled and moved her face closer, her lips pressed against my ear. "Good luck with that, his cock has already been cut off." I raised my eyebrows and as she pulled away, I could tell she wasn't joking. "All the more reason to get your Lady back." She said releasing my hand. "Ramsay is the one that did that to my brother. Even went so far as to send his cock in a lovely little box."

I clenched my fists angrily, if he harmed Sansa in any way I will kill him with my bare hands. I will make sure to torture him, slowly, painfully...Make him pay.

"It is settled." Daenerys said breaking me from my thoughts. "Isabelle is to leave with Yara...But please, won't you stay until the morning? We must have a party, to celebrate and to say thank you."  I turned around and watched as Daenerys stood up and walked toward me. She gently took my hand in hers. "Over this last month, you have shown great loyalty, you have shown fearlessness, you have showed great honor. I want to thank you for what you have done here to help."

"If it's alright with Yara, then okay."

"I'm always up for a party." Yara said as she licked her bottom lip as she looked Daenerys up and down. "I can go all night. Nights with me are nights that you will never forget."

"I believe you." Daenerys replied with a hint of a smirk.

The two of them just stayed looking at each other, which caused an awkward silence to fall on us. I removed my hands from Daenerys and walked to where she had kept a bottle of wine.

"If we're having a party, then let's party." I said raising the bottle, gaining the attention of Daenerys.

"Put that down." She ordered, walking towards me. "That one is mine." She said taking the bottle from me. "Get your own." She turned back around and walked back towards Yara. "Someone grab me a cup for Yara." She ordered.

I just stared at her in shock and shook my head. "Unbelievable."

- - -

The party was in full swing. There was loud music, which was just the sound of loud banging in a rhythmic way, but it was good enough to dance to. People were drinking, laughing, smiling having a good time, everyone from Daenerys to some of the survivors here, the only people who weren't laughing and having fun were the Unsullied. They remained serious and focused.

Yara's men just sat and drank, but Yara was dancing around with some of the women that had survived the attack last month. Missandei and Daenerys were dancing together..But I was just watching and drinking next to Daario.

"I would like to apologise, for how I treated you when you first arrived." Daario said as he moved closer to me. "Many bad people have tried to hurt the Queen, I had just grown to be protective over her."

"I get it." I replied turning my head to look at him. "You were just doing your job, I respect that. There is nothing to apologise for."

"Isabelle, come dance with me." Missandei shouted.

I drank the rest of my wine that was in my cup before standing up and walking over to Missandei and Daenerys. I was a little self conscious at first,  I had never been one to dance but I soon relaxed and started copying Missandei. It wasn't long before most of us had formed a circle and we were jumping around and moving in a circle motion, looking around at everyone...It was like I was part of a big family. I looked from Daenerys to Missandei and I knew that I would miss them dearly.

The circle soon broke and we went back to either dancing on our own or just drinking. Daenerys, Missandei and I continued to danced with each other...Until Daenerys left to go speak with Jorah.

For some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He looked sad, I glanced down and saw he held a scroll in his hand which he handed to Daenerys.

"Are you alright?" Missandei asked, once she realised I had stopped jumping around.

I didn't answer, I just watched as Daenerys read the scroll. She looked up at me, sadness in her eyes. I walked over to her and she hesitantly handed me the scroll.

My eyes scanned the words quickly. My heart pounding the more I read....And then my legs gave out from under me. I clutched the scroll close to my chest as the tears fell freely, my heart breaking over and over as the words just went around and around in my head.

Margaery Tyrell, my Mother, was dead.

I felt arms wrap around me and I closed my eyes, hearing my mother's voice.

"You come back safe to me, alright?" Margaery asked pulling away from the hug. "Promise me that you will come back to me."

"I promise." I said sniffling slightly. "Promise me that you'll still be here waiting for me?"

"I promise."

"Goodbye." I said giving her one last hug but she pulled me back.

"This is not goodbye. Goodbyes are forever, this isn't forever. It may be months or maybe even a year, but it is not forever. We will see each other again, soon."

I felt like I couldn't breathe, the air was trapped deep inside, all that escaped was sobs, upon sobs, until finally, I screamed. I screamed and I screamed until my throat was sore.

Another pair of arms wrapped around me, trying to comfort me but it was no use...My heart had been tore out of my chest, it had been crushed into nothing but dust. Through blurry eyes I could see everyone staring at me, and I could have sworn in the crowd, I saw my mother.

I closed my eyes and lowered my head. I was even more determined to get Sansa, I needed to make sure she was safe and alive. I already lost my mother, I refused to lose Sansa too.

I refused to lose anyone else, ever. I never wanted to feel this pain again.

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