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Isabelle's POV

Cersei didn't speak much to me as she helped me get dressed, along with Jaime who helped me put my armor on. He didn't ask any questions as to why I was so bruised and had a few cuts on my face, judging by the look on his face, Cersei had filled him in and he was just as pissed as she was.

"Are you sure she's going to be alright to be out there? Look at her, she looks like she's about to faint." Jaime said once he finished putting my chest plate on me securely.

"I'm fine." Is all I replied with as I slowly walked out of the room. I winced as I held my stomach but I knew I couldn't appear to be weak.

Once Jaime, three other knights and myself got into our formation, I stood up straight and walked like I wasn't hurt as we escorted Cersei to where Ned's trial would be held.

The only sound that echoed through the halls of the castle was the loud clanking of our footsteps and our armor, which was somewhat distracting, but yet I was thankful for the distraction, I knew if I began to lose myself in my thoughts I would think nothing but horrid things.

I was walking directly behind Cersei and I was shocked as I felt her reach behind and gently touch my hand...I didn't realise how tense I was until her touch relaxed me.

We continued to walk and I swallowed hard once we walked outside and towards the trial area. A large crowd had gathered, Sansa, Joffrey and Tyrion were already waiting..Whom I assume was Ned, was on his knees, a black sack over his head.

I locked eyes with Sansa and she looked away, my eyes flickered towards Joffrey who was giving me a disgusting, sick smile. He winked at me and I looked away, trying not to become too angry, for I don't know what I would do. All I know is, I would probably kill him, but knowing how was a different thing.

Cersei left us and took her position in between, Joffrey and Tyrion. She greeted the crowd and I felt sick. I felt like I was physically going to be sick because I was so scared.

"We have before you today, a man that we didn't expect to be a criminal. He is a man of honor, and it was a shock to the entire kingdom when this man, Ned Stark, committed treason. Forging a letter in the name of the King, saying the most disgusting things...The price that must be payed for such a crime, is death."

I lowered my head as the crowd began to cheer and say the most disgusting things targeted towards Ned.

"However." Cersei shouted above the crowd, causing them to be silent. "We must look at things from his perspective. He had come here, for his daughter to marry my son. He had come here and had become Hand Of The King, to someone that was his best friend, someone that was like a brother to him. So why, why would a man like Ned Stark, do such a thing as to commit treason? Potentially ruining the engagement of my son and his daughter, stopping his daughter from becoming a Queen. Knowing that before the King's death, it is what they both wanted. The answer, is simply grief."

I looked up at Cersei and looked around the confused crowd and then she met my eyes, giving me a small smile. "Grief, makes us do the most outrageous things. Some cry, some hide their emotions, some kill, in Lord Stark's case, he committed treason...But it was a mistake. Stand him up."

Ned was stood up and Cersei ordered the sack to be removed. When the sack was removed, Ned looked around confused, he was expecting his death. Just like the rest of us were.

"Ned Stark, the city, the kingdom, the people. We are willing to overlook this crime due to the circumstances, as long as you apologise."

Ned looked down and shook his head but he did what Cersei wanted. "I apologise. To the Queen, to the Prince, to my Daughter, to the people of the city, to the kingdom and to the Gods. I apologise, for my mistake that I made due to my grief."

"Ned Stark, you are now a free man." Cersei said.

"No. Absolutely not." Joffrey said. "This man, will pay for his crime and his punishment is death." He said as he stood up and stormed towards Ned, ready to pull his sword out of his sheath.

Without thinking, I ran up the execution stand and pulled my sword out just as Joffrey did and parried his attempt and hitting Ned. I lunged forward at Joffrey, causing him to lose his balance and fall into the crowd...And that's when chaos ensued.

People in the crowd began to fight and trample on Joffrey, they were split on the choice of punishment, some agreed with Joffrey and wanted his death, the ones who agreed with the apology were the ones that they were fighting with.

I turned around to see that Sansa and Cersei were being led to safety by Jaime and the other knights along with Ned being led away. I turned back around and looked down at Joffrey who was screaming as people stood on him.

As much as I wanted him to die, I couldn't handle the thought of Cersei being hurt again over losing another family member.

I reached a hand down for Joffrey to take, he struggled to reach up but he managed to and I used all my strength to pull him up. Just as I pulled him onto the execution stand with me, I lost my balance which caused us to fall onto our backs.

"You bitch." He spat as he stood up first. "I should've killed you earlier."

I was still weak from when he attacked me, I couldn't get up as quickly as he could.

"I guess, I'll just kill you now." He grinned as he grabbed my sword that I had dropped.

He stood above me, my sword in his hands. He lifted it up and brought it down hard.

I screamed in pain as the sword sunk deep into my flesh, the only good side to this  being, I managed to bring my arm up.

I watched as blood dripped down my arm, the blade in deep. Joffrey pulled the sword out and went to stab me again but before he could, a random rock was thrown at him, hitting him in the head, causing him to fall the ground.

I didn't know if he was dead or just knocked out and at this point I didn't care. That bastard just stabbed me.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I propped myself up, using my head to look behind me to see Tyrion running over to me followed my Jaime.

"You're going to be alright." Tyrion said soothingly as he helped me sit up.

I'm glad Ned wasn't going to die, I knew that'd make Sansa happy and that's all that mattered to me..And if being stabbed in the arm, or being stabbed anywhere else was the price I had to pay for her happiness...Then I was okay with that.

Jaime picked Joffrey up and I slowly got back to my feet with Tyrion's help. We walked back to the castle, being careful to dodge all the fighting and once we were back inside the safety of the castle walls, I was engulfed in a big hug from Sansa.

"What happened?" She asked looking down at my arm.

"It's nothing..Just a scratch." I said with a grin..But then I fell forward but Sansa once again caught me.

My vision started to blur and everything began to slow down. I barely managed to hear Sansa shout that I was losing too much blood. I managed one last weak laugh. "Of course I am. A sword just got put through my arm."

My vision got even blurrier and just before I passed out, I heard Sansa say. "Only you could be sarcastic at a time like this...It's one of the many reasons why I love you."

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